Mountain Bike - Heatherwood Park-Bike Ephrata!
Tax deductible
Heatherwood Bike Park
Ephrata Development Organization, DBA, Mainspring of Ephrata, a not-for-profit community development organization, is inviting you to be part of the change in your community.
Recently the Warwick- Ephrata Rail Trail has been completed, so I decided to ride my bike and discovered a flight of step down into a hollow in the woods. I made many inquiries about the park and found out its official name is Heatherwood Park although many people call it by a less favorable name because it is an undesirable space with a less than desirable reputation.
Green space in a community is a valuable gift and an opportunity to provide recreation. Due to the topography of Heatherwood Park, it lends itself to a form of recreation we do not have in this area.
Mountain Biking!
We want to develop a mountain biking park that will be able to be used by toddlers to adults.
The Bike Park would consist of three areas of interest.
• A Balance Bike learning area 3-7 years old, to teach balancing skills
• Skills Area 7-12 years old, to teach greater skills and maneuvering
• Gateway Single Track to introduce mountain biking also of interest to trail runners, all in one environmentally friendly atmosphere.
Ephrata would be the first in the state to have such a park. Here is your chance to make a difference in your community and be a part of putting Ephrata on the map!
Such an innovative park will cost money and people power to build. We are asking for your donation to the Heatherwood Bike Park. No gift is too small or too large.
For each $25 or more gift, we will send you a BIKE EPHRATA sticker.
Our goal is $8500 for materials for the trail build-out, benches, trash cans, Kiosk, and bike rack. If we exceeded our fundraising goals, we would start a "Build Your Own Bike" program to help put less fortunate kids on bikes.
Not only will your tax-deductible contribution help build trails but you would be helping build our community.
Thank you for your help.
Kelly Withum
Executive Director
Mainspring of Ephrata
Ephrata Development Organization, DBA, Mainspring of Ephrata, a not-for-profit community development organization, is inviting you to be part of the change in your community.
Recently the Warwick- Ephrata Rail Trail has been completed, so I decided to ride my bike and discovered a flight of step down into a hollow in the woods. I made many inquiries about the park and found out its official name is Heatherwood Park although many people call it by a less favorable name because it is an undesirable space with a less than desirable reputation.
Green space in a community is a valuable gift and an opportunity to provide recreation. Due to the topography of Heatherwood Park, it lends itself to a form of recreation we do not have in this area.
Mountain Biking!
We want to develop a mountain biking park that will be able to be used by toddlers to adults.
The Bike Park would consist of three areas of interest.
• A Balance Bike learning area 3-7 years old, to teach balancing skills
• Skills Area 7-12 years old, to teach greater skills and maneuvering
• Gateway Single Track to introduce mountain biking also of interest to trail runners, all in one environmentally friendly atmosphere.
Ephrata would be the first in the state to have such a park. Here is your chance to make a difference in your community and be a part of putting Ephrata on the map!
Such an innovative park will cost money and people power to build. We are asking for your donation to the Heatherwood Bike Park. No gift is too small or too large.
For each $25 or more gift, we will send you a BIKE EPHRATA sticker.
Our goal is $8500 for materials for the trail build-out, benches, trash cans, Kiosk, and bike rack. If we exceeded our fundraising goals, we would start a "Build Your Own Bike" program to help put less fortunate kids on bikes.
Not only will your tax-deductible contribution help build trails but you would be helping build our community.
Thank you for your help.
Kelly Withum
Executive Director
Mainspring of Ephrata
Fundraising team: Mainspring of Ephrata (2)
Kelly Withum
Ephrata, PA
Ephrata Development Organization
Lisa Willwerth
Team member