Donation protected
**UPDATE** I am re-promoting this campaign
I decided not to push it last year. I know everyone was struggling. However, Many opportunities for public art as well as youth programs to educate about mental health and collaborations for art activism are opening up. As well as visibility for this project.
Please help me make this all happen.
I have been considering taking a step back because I devote so much time to this but I truly feel this is my calling and the response is overwhelming.
Join me with the Bipolar Butterfly Project movement and help me grow it across the country and around the world!!
Just $1, $5 or company sponsorships will help make this possible
The more funds raised, the more we can do together
Hi! My name is Kimmy Henderson, creator of the Bipolar Butterfly Project
The Bipolar Butterfly Project is aimed to raise awareness and end the stigma on mental illness by opening comfortable dialogue and encouraging people to address mental health and seek help when needed; using public, interactive art.
I have already installed 7 public art pieces.
I currently have 4 approved sites.
My interactive art installations range anywhere from $1500 -$9000 depending on scope, type of project, materials needed, travel and installation costs.
I have a goal of $5000 to cover the next 2, possibly 3 installations and hope to raise more to grow this movement across the US.
If you can give $1, $5, 20 or 100; or if you or your company would like to sponsor an installation, it can make such a difference.
Now more than ever, we need to bring mental health out of the shadows and normalize nonjudgmental speak. People need to feel comfortable talking about it.
It should be no more awkward to say I am Bipolar than it is to say I am diabetic. That the mind as well as the body may need medicine.
This project was born 1 year ago and is inspired and fueled by my own struggle with Bipolar 1 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder(s).
Years ago I painted a butterfly during my 1st major manic , not-yet-diagnosed episode. Months later after rebounding, I realized how well it not only represents the dual sides of Bipolar disorder, but ALL mental illness.

How on one side we try to show our best, most beautiful selves even when we may be crumbling on the other.
Now I want to use it to help fight the stigma.
I want to encourage and spark healthy conversation through art.
I want to give mental health a visual representation that builds support and community as effectively as pink ribbons and rainbows do.
I want to make change for my genetically pre-dispositioned children and their entire generation.
We are living in a time where COVID adds financial and social stressors to already staggering statistics about violence and suicide.
Many reputable sources forcast the mental health effects of the pandemic to last long after the pandemic is under control.
Our current society is divided on SO many subjects which is also contributing to the rise in statistics.
Mental illness is a battle that we can ALL unite on.
It does not matter your political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, age, location, or economic status; no demographic is untouched by mental illness.
I believe we are all affected by mental health, whether it is you or a loved one; THEIR social circle, co-workers, your children's future spouse or friends or children...
Or we are touched by another's tragedy resulting from mental illness.
We have the power to change the future for so many people
Will you help me fight to end the stigma?
If one life can be spared from senseless tragedy due to un-checked mental health, the Bipolar Butterfly Project will literally be priceless.

Please help me keep this project growing! Together, let's save lives from senseless tragedy due to un-checked mental health.
Thank you so much
I decided not to push it last year. I know everyone was struggling. However, Many opportunities for public art as well as youth programs to educate about mental health and collaborations for art activism are opening up. As well as visibility for this project.
Please help me make this all happen.
I have been considering taking a step back because I devote so much time to this but I truly feel this is my calling and the response is overwhelming.
Join me with the Bipolar Butterfly Project movement and help me grow it across the country and around the world!!
Just $1, $5 or company sponsorships will help make this possible
The more funds raised, the more we can do together
Hi! My name is Kimmy Henderson, creator of the Bipolar Butterfly Project
The Bipolar Butterfly Project is aimed to raise awareness and end the stigma on mental illness by opening comfortable dialogue and encouraging people to address mental health and seek help when needed; using public, interactive art.
I have already installed 7 public art pieces.
I currently have 4 approved sites.
My interactive art installations range anywhere from $1500 -$9000 depending on scope, type of project, materials needed, travel and installation costs.
I have a goal of $5000 to cover the next 2, possibly 3 installations and hope to raise more to grow this movement across the US.
If you can give $1, $5, 20 or 100; or if you or your company would like to sponsor an installation, it can make such a difference.
Now more than ever, we need to bring mental health out of the shadows and normalize nonjudgmental speak. People need to feel comfortable talking about it.
It should be no more awkward to say I am Bipolar than it is to say I am diabetic. That the mind as well as the body may need medicine.
This project was born 1 year ago and is inspired and fueled by my own struggle with Bipolar 1 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder(s).
Years ago I painted a butterfly during my 1st major manic , not-yet-diagnosed episode. Months later after rebounding, I realized how well it not only represents the dual sides of Bipolar disorder, but ALL mental illness.

How on one side we try to show our best, most beautiful selves even when we may be crumbling on the other.
Now I want to use it to help fight the stigma.
I want to encourage and spark healthy conversation through art.
I want to give mental health a visual representation that builds support and community as effectively as pink ribbons and rainbows do.
I want to make change for my genetically pre-dispositioned children and their entire generation.
We are living in a time where COVID adds financial and social stressors to already staggering statistics about violence and suicide.
Many reputable sources forcast the mental health effects of the pandemic to last long after the pandemic is under control.
Our current society is divided on SO many subjects which is also contributing to the rise in statistics.
Mental illness is a battle that we can ALL unite on.
It does not matter your political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, age, location, or economic status; no demographic is untouched by mental illness.
I believe we are all affected by mental health, whether it is you or a loved one; THEIR social circle, co-workers, your children's future spouse or friends or children...
Or we are touched by another's tragedy resulting from mental illness.
We have the power to change the future for so many people
Will you help me fight to end the stigma?
If one life can be spared from senseless tragedy due to un-checked mental health, the Bipolar Butterfly Project will literally be priceless.

Please help me keep this project growing! Together, let's save lives from senseless tragedy due to un-checked mental health.
Thank you so much
Kimmy Henderson
Stow, OH