Turtle awareness (Gopher Tortoise)
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Recently two girls in orange park florida found a endangered gopher tortoise, they took it in as a pet, and when they got bored, they took it outside and tortured it, pouring alcohol on him and lighting him on fire. over and over, picking him up and tossing him onto the paved street like a base ball, and then stepping on him over and over until his insides came out, bad enough they did this, but they video taped it, laughed at it the whole time, and then posted it onto facebook for the world to see, I seen them, being on her friends list, I downloaded both videos onto my computer, and then they deleted the videos, so I posted them back onto my facebook for the world to see what these two cruel girls did, if anyone wants to see it will stay on my page until I know for a fact the girls got what was comming for them, even then I should keep it to rase awareness of this kind of behavior, this kind of behavior is horrible and no one should do this to any animal or being, and to bring light on the gopher tortoise.
News Report:
News Report:
Ash Katchem
Orange Park, FL
Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida