Save Motukaraka Island
After an unsuccessful auction and tender process, the owners have now placed an asking price for the island of $325, 000 so we've incresed our goal in order to buy back our island.
For the first time since 1925, Motukaraka Island in Northland is available to purchase (since being taken by the government) and we are fundraising to buy it back for Ngai Tupoto.
Motukaraka Island is a small low lying island in the beautiful Hokianga Harbour but is regarded as a wahi tapu (sacred place). For years, the people of Ngai Tupoto have tried to convince the family who own it, to turn it into a reserve because of the sacred history it represents, but they were never interested. Now they are wanting to sell and we're looking for support so we can purchase the island and restore it's mana as a wahi tapu of our people.
It is the site of a massive battle, long before the British landed on our shores, and many brave warriors were killed with their bodies were left where they lay. Bones still wash up among the shore and large numbers have been interred in Remana urupa (cemetery] over the years. It is also the site of an old Pa whose remains has been washed away over the years.
In 1831 Thomas McDonnell claimed an area of 50,000 acres of land in Motukaraka for goods worth £134 (Sydney prices). The land was transacted without the knowledge of local hapu who were living on the land, and so the struggle began. Many Maori had to purchase thier land back in order to protect thier homes and Marae, while others lost it. This went on for generations, and the opportunity to buy back a piece of our history and mana whenua is something we need to do, and is also the first step in claiming back what was always rightfully ours.
We're hoping to raise as much money as possible to purchase this island, with the plan to turn it into a reserve and protect it for generations to come. If successful, any surplus raised will be put back into the island regarding rates, and the community.
How much do we need to raise: The asking price is $325,000 but if we can add more to the kete that would be great to begin the process of turning the island into a reserve.
What will be done with any surplus: As this campaign is aimed at preserving and nurturing places of significance within the Hokianga Harbour, any surplus will be placed into a trust that will continue to do this work.
***Realestate Listing***
*** Story by the Northland Advocate***
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