The Bloody Fire Relief
As word has spread about the very serious fire that wiped out our home and studio, Laurie and I have put up a Go Fund Me page at the request of our friends and fans around the world.
We are very touched by the outpouring of support and empathy we have received during this very hard time. We are so blessed to have each and every one of you in our lives.
Starting completely from scratch is very surreal and something you can't really relate to until it happens.
We have included the news report of the fire as it shows the severity. Our apartment was on the upper left part of the building and it broke out directly ulnderneath us.
Rock n' roll hours being up until 2 am certainly, without a doubt, saved our lives. Don't let anyone tell you that staying up late is irresponsible!
Always know that every little bit helps, even if it's just $1. Just knowing we're in your thoughts means everything.
On behalf of Laurie Ann and our kitties June and Cash,