Bring Rain To California Drought
IF the world was in danger & could die in a few decades what would you do? Would you help be a part of history? Your donation, no matter how much or how little, in dollars or pennies; will not only help me but the Entire world. You can tell everyone you saved the world. Let me explain how.
The first vortex of the world, Mt. Shasta in California is ground zero for modern shamans. Past folk stories of raindances come to life in a modern way as I aim to make my way down to that same sacred ground for my own version of a rain ceremony. An ancient proven method of storm gathering; something much needed in the California valley of historic droughts.
Mt. Shasta is a power energy center in the world and are conducting real life shamanistic magic using powerful crystals to amplify our intentions. The crops are dying, and food prices are going up! This drastic issue is affecting everyone in the world.
Your donation will help facilitate this unprecendented environmental surgery by helping the transport to various areas to and from.
We love this world from the deepest aspects of our souls. We want you to be a part of this vision.