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Care Packages for Deployed Marines

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Hey y'all!

My name is Ashley and I am married to a currently deployed United States Marine. Since he left, I have sent him a couple of care packages and have found that they seriously lift his spirits. 

Recently, I asked him if there were Marines who have not received any care packages, he said there were quite a few. This is why we are here. I am asking to raise $500 to send care packages to lift the spirits of these Marines.  

You may ask, what are some of the things that your money will be going towards? Here are a few of the requested items:
          -Stationary & Pens
          -Cough drops
          -Drink additives (Mio, Gatorade Powder, etc)
          -Snacks (Sunflower Seeds, Nuts, etc)
and much more...

From the packs that I have made my husband, I have estimated that each box with shipping comes out to about $100. I want to start off by sending 5 boxes. 100% of this money will be put towards boosting morale while they are away from home (no worries, none of the funds will be going care packages sent to my own husband).

I hope you will help send a little bit of home to these Marines while they over seas!

Thank you,


Ashley Davie Tweedy
San Diego, CA

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