Save Columbia, Virginia
The Town of Columbia, VA was chartered in 1788 -- before George Washington became the first President of the United States. Columbia is situated on the junction of two of the Commonwealth's major rivers: the James and the Rivanna.
She is Virginia's smallest incorporated Town. Columbia has survived the Colonial Era, the Civil War, and several devasting hurricanes and floods in her 226 years.
Unfortunately, a dwindling population and lack of resources threaten the survival of Columbia. The Town Council is considering disincorporation -- which means dissolving the 1788 Charter and absorbing the town into the surrounding county. This is an irreversible process.
On August 19th, the Town Council will vote to disincorporate so that the question of dissolving the Charter will be placed for referendum on the ballot this November.
Columbia needs to hear from YOU -- concerned citizens, history lovers, preservationists, and more.
John Smith roamed the lands. Thomas Jefferson dreamed of the canal that was later built here. Marquis de Lafayette dined here. St. Katharine Drexel helped build schools for African Americans here -- and Columbia is home to one of only two shrines to this American Catholic Saint.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 in 20 days to present hope to Town Council on August 19th -- that many in the Commonwealth and beyond want to preserve and save this historic Town.
Please donate and share our message of history and preservation! Let's continue to bring hope to the residents of Columbia.
Thank you for your support. Find out more about the Foundation at: www.foundationcolumbia.org -- read history, see photos, and more