Transport the Coffeehouse (1)
The Widow Black Coffeehouse is a first person, living history reproduction of an 18th-19th century English style coffeehouse. Open to reenactors & public alike, the coffeehouse can be found at reenactments & living history events around the United States.
The Coffeehouse is strictly an educational demonstration. We rely on donations from patrons who value the unique opportunity that the coffeehouse provides in order to continue sharing our demonstration around the country. Where else can you enjoy the production and consumption of historically documented hot beverages, read the same news that was read hundreds of years ago and experience a truly authentic social environment?
After 7 years, the Coffeehouse has out grown its only form of transportation and we need your help!
EVERYTHING, from the awning & walls, tables, benches, ground cloths to the pots for brewing coffee, dishes for serving & yes, even the clothes on the Widow's back, is currently brought to events in a 2000 Honda Civic. In order to continue bringing the Coffeehouse to events around the country and to allow the demonstration to continue growing, we need a dedicated vehicle.
This fund is a small start; just enough so that we can rent a mini-van in order to attend Mississinewa 1812 in Marion Indiana, October 2014.