Hydroelectric In Centre Park Cobleskill
Tax deductible

Do you believe in youth as the future of America?
Do you believe in entrepreneurship?
Do you believe in sustainability?
My name is Jonathan DiCesare, I am a sophomore at Boston University and an Eagle Scout from Troop 56 in Lawyersville, N.Y. I am building a micro hydroelectric facility on an existing dam in Veterans Memorial Centre Park, Cobleskill N.Y. Part of this work satisfied my Eagle Scout Service Project requirement.
This undertaking consists of an 11ft. metal water wheel, a mill style equipment house and commemorative/ educational signage. The facility will generate roughly 2-5kw of renewable energy each day of operation for the Village of Cobleskill, while enhancing the aesthetics of the park and providing a teaching opportunity for local educational institutions. It will be unique in New York State.
I have actively worked for four years completing feasibility studies, leading a team of engineers to create designs, and coordinating with local officials to receive approvals. This has been a tremendous opportunity to gain real world experience and leadership skills while benefiting my community.
Currently we have completed the mill house and the concrete supports for the wheel. The next step is to order the wheel and construct the trough. We have leveraged in-kind donations from the community for much of the labor and materials, and have already raised over $28,000 of the $40,000 in hard costs for the project. We are working with the Village of Cobleskill, Cobleskill Partnership, Inc. (a local 501c3), Lamont Engineering, A+k Slipforming, Assemblyman Pete Lopez, and other volunteers to bring the project to life.
Please support this worthy community project with a tax deductible donation. To make a donation please click above or send a check to CPI (Cobleskill Partnership Inc.).
I hope we can count you in!
Jonathan DiCesare
Eagle Scout
and Project Manager
Jonathan Di Cesare
Cobleskill, NY
Cobleskill Partnership Incorporated