Bring Home Baby Henderson
We are so excited to announce that we are well on our way to making our home a house of FIVE!
Having two biological children of our own has not been the easiest journey. Through prayers, tears, multiple miscarriages, doctors appointments and surgeries: We felt the Lord tug on our heartstrings again regarding adoption. It's amazing how once the Lord drops it in your spirit, it doesn't just go away, folks!
After almost a year of focused prayer, we officially have signed our papers with Christian Adoption Consultants. We are in the middle of our home study right now! This part of the process is 6-8 weeks and then we are presented to birth moms who are wanting to place their child in a home like ours.
Average wait time for domestic adoptions is 1-2 years. We have signed with CAC because their average wait time is 6-10 months. So, y'all, it's like we're pregnant RIGHT NOW!
Our hope is by the end of summer to have our baby in our arms. It could be sooner, it could be longer. But we know that the Lord is so sovereign in His timing.
Would you be so kind as to rally around us on our journey? We need support in this process:
Prayer: will you commit to praying for our family? Pray for Autumn and Easton. Pray for our new baby. Pray for us as parents, as pastors and as a family.
Giving: You can support us through your giving on this page, directly through us or any fundraiser we are doing. (This process unfortunately is more costly that we can do on our own. Average cost of adoption is $25-40K. While we are/have been doing our part, we are so honored in any way that you can join our journey!) Anything you can support us with financially is a blessing. We know that the Lord will be faithful to us and that His resources are endless.
Creativity: we need fundraising ideas! If you are creative, have had great experiences with unique fundraising ideas, or are willing to help raise funds, please connect with us. All ideas are welcome!
Follow: You can follow us on Facebook: /coryandjoy.
You can connect with us on Instagram: @onecory @onejoy and Twitter @onecory @coryandjoy. You can read our story at www.allaboutthehendersons.blogspot.com
"God Makes A Home For The Lonely." Psalm 68:6