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DawnBeginning Anew-Help me beat MS!

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My name is Dawn and I would like the chance to Begin Anew ! I need a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant to reset my immune system and BEAT MS! I am rapidly moving into Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. This treatment will put my disease into remission. I have gone from being a very active mother and wife to spending 3-4 days a week in bed due to muscle weakness, pain and severe fatigue. Some days I have to ride in my wheelchair, though not too often, yet. 



HSCT will use my own stem cells and chemotherapy to stop the progression of my disease and put it into remission.  Do not be fooled, the end result of this disease is horribly ugly!!



I have fought my insurance company for over a year and lost.  The treatment is $150,000 in the United States, so I will be traveling overseas. 



 I will be admitted into a hospital in Moscow, Russia Nov. 17, 2015. The cost of treatment in Russia is $45,000. I will need a passport, visa and airline tickets. I will also need a few nights hotel stay and food for my carer. 



This is why I need your help. I can't get there alone. This will change my future and my family's lives forever. We are grateful to you for any donation you can give. Please share and like my story, as well. 



  • Grace Berkau
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Dawn Harvey-Louden
Conway, AR

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