Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

#DCtoFerguson Bus

Spende geschützt
What? We want to charter a bus to Ferguson from Washington, D.C. It costs about $8000.

Who are we? Young adults, college students, graduate school students, law school students, and members of the community from DC, VA, NY and MA.

Why? There is a march being held for Michael Brown on August 23rd in Ferguson. We want to attend.

When? We will leave DC on Friday, August 22nd, at 7pm.
We will leave Ferguson on Saturday, August 23rd at 8pm.

How can I go? http://www.eventbrite.com/e/dctoferguson-bus-ride-tickets-12708446305


  • Rasheed Shaw
    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Lauren Chanel Allen
Washington D.C., DC

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