Divine Shadow Season 1: Justice
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Divine Shadow
A teen girl named Shiphrah suffers at the hands of her father. One day she mysteriously develops superhuman strength while protecting her sister. Quickly she finds herself thrust into an unforgiving system, separated from her sister and feeling trapped and alone. As she tries to deal with her newfound power, she finds herself in the midst of a local conspiracy of corrupt police. It becomes a battle against time as she fights to find her sister and deal out justice to those who deserve it.

Divine Shadow is a superhero web series, which will be shot over the summer, fall and winter of 2015. Writing started in the fall of 2014 when director Greg Sommers-Herivel approached his sensei, Clifton Jackson about the idea. Clif loved the idea of the story, and they both were excited to create a series that would have a strong story, with solid martial arts integrated into it. After the pilot was written, they approached Lisa Skvarla, having a role in mind for her where she could show off her martial arts prowess. After hearing about her character’s role in the story, Lisa was all in. Rae Trotter, having worked with Greg on Look.See.Me., was contacted to audition for the lead, Shiphrah. It was a perfect fit. The writing was in full force and casting began.
Having a superhero edge combined with the producers and writers being martial artists, the action scenes will have a gritty realistic edge. The leads are all accomplished martial artists, Lisa Skvarla in Tae Kwon Do, Rae Trotter in Karate, and J.B. Lunon in Kung Fu.
First day of shooting is scheduled to begin on July 6th, with cinematographer James Winters on camera. The production has an experienced crew with years of experience, but has added a support crew of film students. Our crew is excited to have an opportunity to shoot and teach, helping to groom upcoming filmmakers.
Divine Shadow episode 1 is scheduled to be released in Spring of 2016.
Katerina MG
Seattle, WA