Sick horse needs our help!
Donation protected
Please help save the life of a lovely horse, Her name is Geisha (LS 6264), she was born in 2006 in Latvia. Due to the abusive treatment foal lived in a field in extreme colds till -30 C with pneumonia. One family took in very sick Geisha despite the fact that they already had other horses in their stable. They tried to cure her, but the disease had passed into the chronic form, and now Geisha has breathing problems, deep and painful cough. Now she has no strength to run and mucus stagnates in her lungs. Her health status worsens. Geisha is very kind and clever. In Latvia, people who live in villages are poor and cannot afford to buy the device that can help and cure such a disease. The device, which will help Geisha, costs 1500 USD (1140 EUR). We really hope that you can help us raise the money to buy it. After treating Geisha we are planning on donating this device to the animal shelter in Riga to help them cure other animals who has pneumonia. If they won't accept our gift, we are planning on doing it by our self.
This is the device and the company who manufactures it - https://www.vibravm.com/store/vibravm/vibravm-detail
This is the device and the company who manufactures it - https://www.vibravm.com/store/vibravm/vibravm-detail
Valentins Dmitrijevs
Riga, Latvia