Refugee Help - Campaña Refugiados
Aquí en El Altillo School, estamos recogiendo ropa de inveirno para mandársela a los refugiados. Estamos colaborando con varias ONGs: AYS- Are You Syrious? (Croacia) y Ospiti en Arrivo (Italia). Estamos recogiendo dinero para ayudar con el coste de los gastos de envió de la ropa recogida. Todos los recibos de pago estarán disponibles en GoFundMe, así los donantes podrán saber donde se ha destinado el dinero. Si sobra dinero, será donado a Are You Syrious? Pedimos colaboración con nuestro proyecto y gracias por su tiempo.
Here in El Altillo School students are collecting winter clothing to send to refugees. We are working with several NGOs: AYS- Are You Syrious? (Croatia) and Ospiti in Arrivo (Udine, Italy). We are raising money to help with the cost of shipping the items we collect. All payment receipts will be uploaded to GoFundMe, so donors will see where the money had been spent. If any money is left over it will be donated to AYS to help them with their work. We ask for collaboration with out project and thank you for your time.