little help for Eldin Ostrvica
Apel for help for Eldin Ostrvica who is suffering off pulmonary hypertension ' severe illnes' '
First and the last name : Eldin Ostrvica
Day of birth : 19.11.1987. (Doboj)
Place of living: Džemilić Planje - near Tešanj (BiH)
We ask all people around the world to help Eldin ,
his every day costcs are 50 $ , and his monthly incomes are 220 $.
About a year ago doctors discovered a hard and incurable disease called pulmonary hypertension,
it's a disease of extended heart arteries.
He isn't able right now to work,he has a wife and young daughter,
his wife is 7 months pregnant and she isn't able to fight for both of them.
If we don't get any resources to help Eldin to be able to buy medicines this young life will be extinguished very soon.
If you have a good heart you will help him,for you it means nothing but yet for him it means alot.
ON BOSNIAN LANGUAGE=Na Bosanskom jeziku
Ime i prezime : Eldin Ostrvica
Datum Rodjenja : 19.11.1987 (doboj)
Mjesto stanovanja : Dzemilic Planje kod Tesnja. (BiH)
Molimo sve humane ljude sirom svijeta da pomognu eldinu kako bih mu priustili koliko toliko novca .
Njegovi dnevni troskovi su 50 KM a njegova mjesecna primanja su 400 KM.
Prije godinu dana mu je otkrivena teska i ne izljeciva bolest nazvana (PLUCNA HIPERTENZIJA)
Prosirenje srcanih arterija,on trenutno nije u stanju da radi,ima suprugu i jednu malu djevojcicu,
Supruga mu je u 7 mjesecu trudnoce i nije u stanju da se bori za obadvoje.
Ukoliko ne obezbjedimo neka sredstva kako bih eldin mogao sebi da kupi lijekove ovaj mladi zivot ce biti ugaen jako brzo.
Molimo sve vas da pomognete,vama je to nista a njemu puno znaci.