The Grizz Project
The Grizz Project is a wonderful organization right outside the Rez where we currently live. In New Mexico, especially on the reservations, there is a horrible dog problem; there are strays everywhere you look and unfortunately, they can't all be saved.
The woman who runs the organization has made a career out of rescuing abandoned dogs, getting them medical treatment (spay, neuter, any necessary surgery) and then finding good homes for them. This is a non-profit, run on only donations and a few government grants.
I first found the Grizz Project when they helped us after we rescued our beagle, Pearl. Without them, we would have never been able to afford the care that she needed. We were never able to offer them much in return as far as money goes; all we could do was hang some flyers and distribute literature.
We are moving from the Rez to a new home this Sunday, and I still feel bad that we haven't been able to give back to this wonderful woman. When I emailed her earlier today to see about helping a dog that I found in my yard, she informed me that she is absolutely maxed out and hasn't been receiving donations lately.
I fear that if The Grizz Project closes, hundreds of dogs will end up without the care that they need, possibly even dead.
Any amount you can offer would be a great help. I believe in her vision and this is as close as I can come to cutting her a check to thank her for her service.
The website is linked above. If you can't give cash, please click the link - there are always wish lists and other programs that she needs assistance with.
The dogs of New Mexico, Pearl included, are grateful.