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Russia and Europe Mission

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Kate and I both have a great desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we are-no matter whether it is home based or elsewhere. It is our hope to work alongside with people in everyday life.  God has granted the desire of our hearts and after many years of prayer we found ourselves one day stepping into the reality of a dream. 

On Jan 20th, we will be arriving in Moscow, Russia and staying for approximately one month. We have the pleasure to work with the Institute of Humanitarian Development through a program called Teach and Travel. During this time, we will teach English to Russian students and be able to interact with them in a way that facilitates a better understanding of each other's culture. We also have the opportunity to start learning Russian. Afterwards, we will spend two weeks with a friend in Ekaterinburg, Russia, also working with youth. 

In April,  we have the blessing of staying a month in Delft, Holland, and working with the church there. In Spain and Germany we also have connections to work with both churches and a youth program.  There are several other countries that we will be visiting, as well, such as France, Italy, Finland, Sweden, and the UK.  The ending time line is unknown, but we suspect we'll come back around September to October. With Kate’s background in event planning and communications and Christina’s background in photography, cosmetology and joint understanding of social media both of us are eager to help where we can. We are both so very excited to be given this opportunity. It is an honor. 

We will be in touch through Christina’s business blog where we hope to post photographs and stories of our activities. Occasionally, we will post videos. As we travel, we will have opportunity to see the wonders of Europe and Russia. Since we studied Europe's history fairly extensively, you can imagine how we feel at the chance to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Seine, the Sistine Chapel, Venice, Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, and more. We are very thankful to have the ability to update everyone as where we are going will mostly have some kind of wifi. 

As we are getting ready to leave and as we travel would you pray for us? We desire your prayers. We will also be raising funds and we ask you to prayfully consider supporting us monetarily as well. This trip is a great leap of faith as we do only have limited funds even now. Both of us have been saving as much as we can, yet travel is expensive. However, God has told us to go and where He sends we go. If you desire to support us and would like updates,  we will send you an e-card or a post card in at least one city of where we visit featuring a photograph. Whatever amount you bless us with, we thank you. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

With gratitude and excitement,
Kate and Christina


Christina Damron
Strawberry Plains, TN

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