#1905 Trafalgar Challenge 2023
Trafalgar was founded in 1905 – so on 19th May (19/05) we’re launching the annual Trafalgar Challenge. This year the pupils will be completing a 1905 challenge in school and we’re calling on pupils to get sponsored for completing the challenge.
So get active, have fun and pledge £19.05 (or whatever you can) to help raise money for Trafalgar Schools.
Please feel free complete your own challenge if you'd like, as we have done in previous year. Examples include to walk or run 19.5 miles, juggle for 19 minutes, or learn to count to 19 in a new language.
Ask your friends and family to sponsor you and send them a link to this page - see if you can raise £19.05
More information about Trafalgar Schools Parent Teacher Association: The Trafalgar Schools PTA is run by parents and is a completely voluntary organisation.
Each year we aim to raise and donate at least £20,000 to the school which pays for vital services and enrichment for the children such as online learning resources and platforms, as well as hundreds of home reading scheme books and maths games. We pay for theatre companies and authors to visit, subsidise school trips and update and enhance their play equipment, outdoor areas and libraries.
Tara Rees
Trafalgar Schools Parent Teacher Association