Justice for Jorge
Jorge Gomez, my brother, was killed by police officers in a Black Lives Matter protest on June 1st in Las Vegas, NV.
It hurts so much to know that he’s gone, but to know that he made a difference is all he would have wanted. We are not trying to take away attention from the causes that he fought and gave his life for. We just want to bring this situation to light and have justice for him as well as everyone affected by police brutality. He fought for equality and his 1st and 2nd amendment rights, and though he was peaceful, he was not treated with that same peace. He had a passion for animals, music, fishing, nature and could make anyone laugh. He gave the warmest hugs, which many people experienced the night he died.
Many amazing people have been contacting us asking to donate, and our family is very grateful for the love and support. He is my hero and the bravest person I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of loving.
With this go fund me page, we are trying to both cover some of the costs of his funeral and donate to causes that he believed in, in his honor. After all this is over, for complete transparency, I will be posting the exact amounts and organizations to which your donations were made. Again, thank you so much for your support. #Justice4Jorge #HisNameIsEveryones
-The family of Jorge Gomez