Strike Relief Fund - SEIU 1021 Healthcare Workers
Donation protected
UPDATE: Our strike was an overwhelming success! But there are now a large number of strike participants facing late rent payments, overdue bills, healthcare costs, and empty cupboards due to lost income. Applications for strike relief have been pouring in. To soften the blow for as many of us as possible, please make a contribution to our Strike Fund!
These sacrifices have brought about real results: Two days into our strike, the County Supervisors announced that the AHS Board of Trustees are no longer needed. And AHS finally got rid of their “scorched earth” bargaining team, and hired an outside negotiator who is promising no more union-busting.
AHS has learned our power, and knows we can exercise it again if they continue to disrespect workers and patients. We are still fighting, but it looks like winning a fair contract is now within reach — so please show your solidarity today. This Strike Relief Fund is for union members unable to make rent, buy groceries, get healthcare, or meet other basic needs due to lost income due to our strike. We have won a lot, but our fight is not over...stay tuned!
We are 3000+ SEIU 1021 union members -- front-line healthcare workers at Alameda County’s safety net hospital and clinic system. We are nurses and housekeepers, clerks, social workers and more. The majority of our patients are people of color and low-income, the most vulnerable to coronavirus and most poisoned by toxic air. We have been fighting for years to protect our patients and keep the public and each other safe.
We are fighting for:
• Safe Staffing
• No cuts to patient care
• Wages and Healthcare that allow us to live in the Bay Area
***This Strike Relief Fund is being hosted with the full awareness and cooperation of our elected SEIU 1021 rank and file officers. We are hosting it independent of the union to make it easier for family, friends, and supporters to donate directly to the fight, and to ensure funds are available to AHS union members as rapidly as possible. If there are funds left over, we will bank the remainder for relief during future strike action at AHS, and half for other Alameda County unions who are pledged to support this potential strike.
Bargaining takeaway summary:
• https://www.ahsfight.org/bargaining-schedule-and-updates/the-ahs-plan-no-raises-no-staffing-takeaways-amp-layoffs
Substandard conditions at AHS in the news:
• https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Trash-bag-wearing-Oakland-nurse-s-firing-raises-15203427.php
• https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/04/27/county-fact-finders-blocked-from-investigating-conditions-at-oaklands-highland-hospital
• https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/03/26/overcrowded-in-normal-times-highland-hospital-braces-itself-for-covid-19
• https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Trash-bag-wearing-Oakland-nurse-s-firing-raises-15203427.php
• https://www.sfgate.com/news/bayarea/article/Health-Workers-Ask-Board-Of-Supervisors-To-Take-15160221.php
• https://www.kqed.org/news/11749152/staff-at-san-leandro-hospital-subject-to-frequent-assaults-new-records-show
Recent Civil Grand Jury report about AHS’ persistent financial mismanagement:
• http://grandjury.acgov.org/grandjury-assets/docs/2019-2020/AlamedaHealthSystem.2020.pdf
These sacrifices have brought about real results: Two days into our strike, the County Supervisors announced that the AHS Board of Trustees are no longer needed. And AHS finally got rid of their “scorched earth” bargaining team, and hired an outside negotiator who is promising no more union-busting.
AHS has learned our power, and knows we can exercise it again if they continue to disrespect workers and patients. We are still fighting, but it looks like winning a fair contract is now within reach — so please show your solidarity today. This Strike Relief Fund is for union members unable to make rent, buy groceries, get healthcare, or meet other basic needs due to lost income due to our strike. We have won a lot, but our fight is not over...stay tuned!
We are 3000+ SEIU 1021 union members -- front-line healthcare workers at Alameda County’s safety net hospital and clinic system. We are nurses and housekeepers, clerks, social workers and more. The majority of our patients are people of color and low-income, the most vulnerable to coronavirus and most poisoned by toxic air. We have been fighting for years to protect our patients and keep the public and each other safe.
We are fighting for:
• Safe Staffing
• No cuts to patient care
• Wages and Healthcare that allow us to live in the Bay Area
***This Strike Relief Fund is being hosted with the full awareness and cooperation of our elected SEIU 1021 rank and file officers. We are hosting it independent of the union to make it easier for family, friends, and supporters to donate directly to the fight, and to ensure funds are available to AHS union members as rapidly as possible. If there are funds left over, we will bank the remainder for relief during future strike action at AHS, and half for other Alameda County unions who are pledged to support this potential strike.
Bargaining takeaway summary:
• https://www.ahsfight.org/bargaining-schedule-and-updates/the-ahs-plan-no-raises-no-staffing-takeaways-amp-layoffs
Substandard conditions at AHS in the news:
• https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Trash-bag-wearing-Oakland-nurse-s-firing-raises-15203427.php
• https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/04/27/county-fact-finders-blocked-from-investigating-conditions-at-oaklands-highland-hospital
• https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/03/26/overcrowded-in-normal-times-highland-hospital-braces-itself-for-covid-19
• https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Trash-bag-wearing-Oakland-nurse-s-firing-raises-15203427.php
• https://www.sfgate.com/news/bayarea/article/Health-Workers-Ask-Board-Of-Supervisors-To-Take-15160221.php
• https://www.kqed.org/news/11749152/staff-at-san-leandro-hospital-subject-to-frequent-assaults-new-records-show
Recent Civil Grand Jury report about AHS’ persistent financial mismanagement:
• http://grandjury.acgov.org/grandjury-assets/docs/2019-2020/AlamedaHealthSystem.2020.pdf
Fundraising team: AHS SEIU 1021 Healthcare Workers (2)
John Pearson
Oakland, CA
Keidaw Kobbah
Team member