Bertie Bottle Campaign
Bertie Bottle Campaign
The Bertie Bottle campaign was set up by my daughter and now as a family we raise awareness of the problem with single use plastics and litter. As well as raising awareness we also take action. We invite local businesses to pledge to reduce their use of single use plastics, organise regular litter picks and have put up dog poo bag dispensers in our local area.
We feel it is so important for climate change and environmental issues to be part of school life. Young people are the future! We have written a children’s educational book, have an illustrator ready and a local schools support of the project. We just need the funding to make it happen.
Growing up in the 80s I can still remember the fantastic Tufty the Squirrel road safety campaign. We believe Bertie the Bottle can have the same impact on our young people in the 2020s.
We would really appreciate your support in getting our book completed and printed. We can all make a difference!
Please note: £5000 is a estimated figure for the cost of illustration and printing.