Canoeing For Aria Nikjooy
We are raising money in memory of our great friend Dr Aria Nikjooy who sadly passed away this year, after a 3 year battle with a rare brain tumour called Medulloblastoma, at the age of 30.
We are canoeing from Birmingham, where we met and became close friends at University, to Manchester, where Aria moved to lay down roots with his wife Naomi and his son Eliyas and to start his training to become a paediatrician. We are completing this 100 mile journey in 5 days.
Money that we raise will be donated to Brain Tumour Research. We hope this trip will raise awareness of the devastating impact brain tumours can have on families. Brain tumours sadly take the lives of more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other type of cancer and yet brain tumour research receives only a very small proportion of funding for research into cures.
We also want this challenge to highlight the amazing legacy of our friend. Despite going through this awful disease he demonstrated his incredible talent and determination in writing two children's books for his son and a powerful and witty memoir about his experience in being diagnosed with a brain tumour. We are so proud of what he achieved in creating this legacy.
His story and information on his books can be found at ariatheauthor.com
We really appreciate your donations and support
Dr Tim Molitor and Dr Danny Magona