Get on the Wagon: Tribute to Tim Moore
Hi, it’s Elliot.
December 2020 was the last time I hugged my father.
Whenever I flew home for a visit to Ohio, we had a ritual - he would make me a cup of coffee and then, he would drive me to the airport. It was one of the few times that I had him all to myself.
On this trip I was particularly excited to have this time with him - this was the trip that I got to share my plan to take a chunk of revenue from my Corporation's most successful year and start a non-profit called Susie's Wagon which will provide new laptops to high school students of color. He smiled and nodded with pride. It was a great moment and he loved the idea. You see, when I was in high school, my maternal Grandma purchased me my very first computer, and her generosity was the catalyst for much of my professional success. Susie's Wagon is named for her, and I'll continue to expand the reach of the program every single year.
I wish he was alive to watch it thrive.
This year Susie's Wagon (www.susieswagon.org) will provide 20 high school Juniors and Seniors a Brand New Apple Macbook Air laptop. These students will be nominated by teachers or ambassadors who recognize their promise, and know that access to technology enhances their future. Promising students deserve a chance.
In lieu flowers or gifts, the Moore family asks that you donate on behalf of our father to any organization of your choosing - or - support ours!
5k purchases an additional six machines, that's six more students getting the chance to work with a brand new laptop.
Empowered kids were central in my dad's heart.
Six more machines means six more lives touched.
We think dad would love that.