I Didn't Bite My Tongue
.Pet Patrol is a volunteer-run, non-profit cat rescue organization in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. All our cats are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and any health concerns are addressed before they are available for adoption. Please visit our website for more information about our charity. www.petpatrol.ca
Hi, I am named Nestle after one of the nicest things, chocolate, because that is my personality, sweet. I didn’t deserve the life that I was forced into. It was a hoarder’s home with meager feedings and then abandonment. The property was
brought to the attention of Pet Patrol. The people had just up and moved out
leaving five cats behind. I was one of those kitties. We were very thin and
disheveled when we were found, I was covered in lice and weighed the least.
It was a little white house, a rental property, and the people who fed us
(barely), didn’t work, and they didn’t clean anything up either. Unable to make
their rent, they moved, as they had done many times before, in the middle of
the night. They left behind broken furniture, trash, and their cats. Once rescued and at the vet clinic they opened my mouth and discovered a gaping wound right in the middle of my tongue. So nasty! They wondered how I was able to eat (not well). My caregiver questioned whether it was cancer or a severe virus and the vet said it was probably an injury. They felt because of the environment that I lived in I probably bit into something sharp while scrounging for food and damaged my tongue.
What to do now? Nothing surgical thankfully, but I will be on many months of pain medication and antibiotics to help it heal. I’m not able to eat hard food, but canned goes down quite nicely, and for now I am kept separate from the other cats. If you are able to help me heal, help by donating, then I am sure I will be able to get my voice back and not have to hold my tongue any longer.
Please add this campaign to your Facebook Page. Thanks!
Jan S.
Waterloo, ON
The Pet Patrol (Elmira) Inc