Jasmine The Warrior Princess
Donation protected
Our baby girl, Jasmine, is seven years old. On the day she was born, our lives changed for the better, forever, and she has been our brightest light ever since.
With her dark shiny hair, twinkling brown eyes and cheeky, gap-toothed smile we have always been filled with pride and humbled by the comments everyone makes after meeting her. Kind and caring, gentle and generous, quick-witted and so very special that she touches even the hardest of hearts. She is lively and active and loves playing with her friends, dancing to her favourite songs and exploring all the things that seven-year-old girls like to do.
Then, at the beginning of this year, our world changed forever once again when Jasmine was diagnosed with cancer. She had been complaining of double vision and sore eyes and our GP referred her to the paediatric department where nothing untoward was apparent. But to be on the safe side we were told she needed to have an MRI scan at Wexham Park Hospital. It seemed to be standard procedure – she had the scan and we went home. But a mere few hours later the phone rang and we were given the earthshattering news that our gorgeous daughter has a brain tumour. It was unimaginable and devastating and since that day we have been caught up in what is surely every parent’s most hellish nightmare. Words cannot describe the pain and anguish we felt then and what we are now living with, every minute of every day.
Jasmine was admitted into Oxford Children’s Hospital for a second MRI under general anaesthetic. She was looked after by the team, who all immediately fell in love with her, and we sat with the oncologist who told us that the location of the tumour – in the pons area/brain stem – is rare and that children with tumours in that location have a low survival rate. At best, Jasmine has 12 months to 18 months before the tumour grows to the extent that she is taken from us. The official diagnosis of a midline glioma – previously called a DIPG – means there is no option to operate. Radiotherapy is currently the only treatment on offer to allow Jasmine a few months respite. The prognosis made us feel sick. We sat in the consultant’s office and wept desperate tears at the thought of losing our Jasmine and we haven’t stopped crying since.
The consultant explained that the following week a biopsy would be performed in order to send off a small sample of the tumour for analysis and see if there is any other form of treatment that can help Jasmine. Although this has been done, we are currently no closer to confirming any more information, other than the type – a K7 DIPG (Midline Glioma). In 6 days’ time, she starts radiotherapy – initially five times a week for a gruelling six weeks.
We would do anything for our little girl. Anything to protect her; anything to keep her safe and happy.
Whilst there are no clinical trials or treatments in the UK for this kind of tumour at this time and the prognosis is extremely poor, there are a small number of clinical trials abroad. This is our only hope to ensure that our beautiful girl has a chance to continue her promising life.
Whilst these trials are not currently ready to take Jasmine on, we hope and pray this will change in the coming weeks and months. When this does we will need to fund her place privately, which is expensive.
We are raising money to make this possibility a reality, even if it gives us a little longer with our baby girl. We are also raising money to build awareness of this
type of cancer, and further down the line, set up a charity in Jasmine’s name to help children and their parents who are also having their lives shattered by this type of tumour.
Thank you for reading this. We are deeply grateful for anything you can do to help no matter how big or small.
With love and hope
Anthony, Jakki and Jasmine
Co-organizers (3)
Anthony Freeman
Jakki Nguyen
Team member
Tom Gilchrist
Team member