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Kangol Kid Cancer Care Fundraiser

Doação protegida
Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths among both men and women, and early detection is the best hope for increasing one’s chances of survival. But even with early detection, the costs that accompany treatment, including surgery, radiation/chemo therapy, and post-surgery care are astronomical.

 Kangol was fortunate enough to have his colon cancer detected fairly early, and have the necessary surgery to remove the mass. However, the costs associated with said surgery with a 5-day hospital stay are daunting and that is before considering follow-up appointments, transportation to and from those appointments, any post-surgery wound-care supplies as well as whatever groceries will be needed for special dietary requirements. These considerations are all without taking into account housing, utilities, phone and other costs of living.

 The current social climate has become exceptionally detrimental to those whose livelihood depends on social interaction. No one feels that impact more than those in entertainment, and specifically in the music industry. Considering the way that digital downloads have altered the landscape of music sales today, those who create the music we all enjoy are left with the only reliable means of income being touring, merchandising and licensing. Now with the advent of Covid-19, 2 of those 3 options have been all but eliminated. 

 We have set up this go-fund-me in an effort to raise the money necessary to help offset the costs for our brother Kangol, and let him focus on healing, until such time as he is back on his feet and able to once again provide for himself. We are hopeful that his lifetime of providing entertainment for others, charitable work, and his never-failing efforts to invest in those in need, will inspire folks to return the favor in the manner that is most needed at this time. Thank you all in advance for your generosity


  • Crystal Johnson
    • $25
    • 3 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $10
    • 3 anos
  • Nicole Simpson
    • $200
    • 3 anos
  • Juliette Holloway
    • $15
    • 3 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $25
    • 3 anos

Organizador e beneficiário

Michael Dante
Middletown, NY
Shaun Fequiere

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