Killington Strong
Our goal has changed and expanded. Thanks to your generosity we are going to expand the types of financial assistance we will provide to members of the Killington service and business community suffering financial hardship as a result of the actions necessitated to "flatten the curve" of COVID-19.
Our initial goal was to address the food needs of the community while at the same time helping the restaurants. That meant helping fund the free meals already being provided by The Lookout, The Garlic, The Foundry, and Sushi Yoshi. We are in the process of rolling out a food pantry to be located at the site of Castleton Lodge at Killington (formerly the Butternut Inn, 63 Weathervane Road, Killington) and that should come on line the week of May 5th. A more in-depth description this has been posted in our Updates and in the Killington Locals Group on Facebook.
Food remains an ongoing need and we will continue to address that need. To food we now add shelter, including such things as rent, utilities, and such other necessities as may be critical to someone in need. The final implementation details of how to provide that help are very near to being worked out. When they are you will find them on Facebook at the Killington Relief Fund for Covid-19 (facebook.com/onekillington), in further updates for this GoFundMe, and in posts to the Killington Locals group on Facebook.
To meet these needs over the time frame we anticipate the need will persist is going to take an ongoing stream of funding. We are not looking to meet a "goal" but rather to meet a need. We intend to be in this for as long as it takes.
Kick starting that funding is the pledge of someone from the community who wishes to remain anonymous.
The need is great. The time is now. If not you, who? If not now, when?
Let us do this as one Killington, and let us be Killington strong in our resolve to do it.