Operation Reload
Real Deal Media needs basic funding to continue to produce another successful year, providing the most effective, informative and ground breaking shows to you!
RDM Network provides a variety of shows that you (the Viewer) wants to see. Whether it's our News coverage, Medical Science Reviews, Musical Showcases or Late Night After Parties, Real Deal Media delivers every time!
Now as we are heading into our 3rd Season we need some help from you! This need is simply to enable us to hire more staff, obtain more equipment and keep the lights on.
After recovering from a year of tragedies, triumph and promise, RDM intends to keep this movement going, along with the greatest cast of talent ever assembled and most importantly, You, the most effective audience in Television.
Executive Producer Dean Ryan along with Producer Lisa Duthie have lined up the 2022 blue print of New Shows and segments..
They are ready to fire away!
Working on a shoe string budget with little to no room for error, along with our Global Calamity and a Time of Great Challenge seems to bring out the best in people which is why Real Deal Media is still standing today, because of you!