Sensory Lab
Welcome to SENSORY LAB - a digital experiment to connect through movement and senses.
We offer you:
* online screening of the short documentary "COMING CLOSER".
We invite you to take part in our four specially crafted workshops to stay connected and wake up all of our senses! Independent artists from Germany, Poland, Belarus and Israel designed four easy, playful and sensual workshops. It's all about getting together, moving, creating and having fun. All the workshops will happen via zoom. Please see the workshops descriptions and registration links below.
1. "DANCE LIKE NOBODY'S WATCHING" with Marta Rubaj, July 4th, 11 AM:
The workshop is a lead dance improvisation, the participants are not at all expected to be professional dancers though! Believing in the therapeutic impact of the „dance like nobody is watching” vibe, Marta will share with you the tools for finding an intimate bond with our bodies and for exploring movement as self-care, self-observation, self-party. It's an opportunity to explore new sensations in our bodies, new dimensions, new grooves, new ways to recharge. Learn more and register here.
2. "SENSE IN BODY" with Daria Belous aka Dasha, July 11th, 11 AM:
It's an invitation to discover the possibilities of combining basic sensory systems and more subtle senses (balance, space, movement) to find out new sensations. It is a movement practice designed in a form of self-discovery. We will pay special attention to discovering various breathing techniques which connect us strongly to our senses. The workshop brings us closer to the liberation of our sensing bodies and the feeling of connectedness. Learn more and register here.
3. "REFLECTION OF A DANCING BODY" with Finnja Willner, July 18th, 11 AM:
In this workshop we want to explore how to translate sensual experiences into an audiovisual language. Sensual experiences like the touch of clothes on your skin, skin on skin, body parts moving into different forms and the interaction with the space around and within us. We will tune in with somatic exercises and little by little introduce the camera (or mobile phone) in our dance to create continuous movements from our bodies towards our cameras to let them resonate in the images. Learn more and register here.
4. "THE PLEASURE IS ALL MINE" with Naama Tomaszpolski Ityel and Ayelet Yekutiel, July 25th, 11 AM:
Weaving different somatic practices such as Body-Mind Centering®, Feldenkrais® and other methods of embodiment, we will explore together how it is for us to connect with pleasure. What does it confront us with? What does it ask from us? In which ways are we blocked from experiencing and expressing pleasure? And what is the connection between that and the political economic structure we live in? How would an aware relationship with pleasure influence the way we relate to our surroundings? Learn more and register here.
The other way to experiment, stay connected and create together is by taking part in our CREATIVE TASKS. Every week we share a simple yet creative task via our social media channels - facebook and instagram. The tasks are prepared by the workshop facilitators and the film crew of "COMING CLOSER" . You can share your responses via social media by simply adding that hashtag #SensoryLab2020. At the end we will create a video out of your responses (only with your agreement, of course).
Additionally, you can screen our short documentary "COMING CLOSER"on vimeo here.
About the film: How do you explain touch? What is smell? How do you express senses? "Coming Closer" approaches these questions through the body and mind of a dancer. The documentary opens your eyes and ears, tickles your skin and makes you wonder about the tingling on your tongue. Find out more here.
PLEASE NOTICE: The whole project is donation based. Give a donation of your choice to support our project and all the independent artists working on it - workshop facilitators, project co-ordinators & directors of "Coming Closer".
If you take part in our ONLINE WORKSHOPS, we suggest a sliding scale fee € 5-15 per workshop according to what you can give. We will be more than grateful to receive even higher donations if you can afford it. If you can't give anything, that's fine too!
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or write to us at [email redacted]
To stay updated, please follow us on: facebook and instagram @SensoryLab2020.
Please share our project with your family and friends.
Looking forward to creating and experimenting together!