Support Nan-Hui's Survival #SurvivedAndPunished
Donation protected
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted domestic violence survivors nationwide, especially undocumented survivors who are not eligible for any government assistance via the stimulus check, unemployment benefits, food stamps, or health insurance.
Even before the pandemic, Nan-Hui Jo faced challenges including hiring discrimination based on her formerly incarcerated status, and wage theft at multiple jobs, a common experience for undocumented workers. Though she has been doing her best to rebuild her life from domestic violence and immigration detention, these new circumstances have only exacerbated her need for support to meet fundamental needs such as housing and basic living expenses.
In 2015, Nan-Hui was nearly deported for “child abduction” after having fled abuse with her daughter. The #StandWithNanHui campaign to demand her release from immigration detention catalyzed thousands of people across the nation into taking action, and later became part of the foundation for Survived and Punished , a national advocacy project dedicated to freeing and supporting criminalized survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Since Nan-Hui’s release, she has been an outspoken voice in support of other criminalized survivors, speaking on the intersections of domestic violence and immigration to highlight the ways that survivors get caught in the dragnet of criminalization when they try to resist the overwhelming conditions of abuse. For the last five years, she has been a consistent presence within Survived and Punished, offering her insights, generosity, humor, and kindness with us especially in the California contingent. After going through an extremely public and traumatic ordeal with her detention and near-deportation, Nan-Hui has still courageously put her all into rebuilding her life in the face of continuing precarity, working constantly and going to school while parenting her daughter, now 11. But the challenges along the way have been relentless: stigma, discrimination, workplace harassment, wage theft, and now this global pandemic have snowballed into a tipping point of crisis and Nan-Hui needs us to come together to support her through an incredibly difficult time.
We need funds to help Nan-Hui stay housed and not get evicted, pay for her work permit, make payments that have gone into collections, and regain the resources and strength to keep going during this difficult time. Bouncing back after surviving incarceration and abuse requires an immense amount of community support, and we hope that you will join us in helping our dear friend Nan-Hui get back on her feet!
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted domestic violence survivors nationwide, especially undocumented survivors who are not eligible for any government assistance via the stimulus check, unemployment benefits, food stamps, or health insurance.
Even before the pandemic, Nan-Hui Jo faced challenges including hiring discrimination based on her formerly incarcerated status, and wage theft at multiple jobs, a common experience for undocumented workers. Though she has been doing her best to rebuild her life from domestic violence and immigration detention, these new circumstances have only exacerbated her need for support to meet fundamental needs such as housing and basic living expenses.
In 2015, Nan-Hui was nearly deported for “child abduction” after having fled abuse with her daughter. The #StandWithNanHui campaign to demand her release from immigration detention catalyzed thousands of people across the nation into taking action, and later became part of the foundation for Survived and Punished , a national advocacy project dedicated to freeing and supporting criminalized survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Since Nan-Hui’s release, she has been an outspoken voice in support of other criminalized survivors, speaking on the intersections of domestic violence and immigration to highlight the ways that survivors get caught in the dragnet of criminalization when they try to resist the overwhelming conditions of abuse. For the last five years, she has been a consistent presence within Survived and Punished, offering her insights, generosity, humor, and kindness with us especially in the California contingent. After going through an extremely public and traumatic ordeal with her detention and near-deportation, Nan-Hui has still courageously put her all into rebuilding her life in the face of continuing precarity, working constantly and going to school while parenting her daughter, now 11. But the challenges along the way have been relentless: stigma, discrimination, workplace harassment, wage theft, and now this global pandemic have snowballed into a tipping point of crisis and Nan-Hui needs us to come together to support her through an incredibly difficult time.
We need funds to help Nan-Hui stay housed and not get evicted, pay for her work permit, make payments that have gone into collections, and regain the resources and strength to keep going during this difficult time. Bouncing back after surviving incarceration and abuse requires an immense amount of community support, and we hope that you will join us in helping our dear friend Nan-Hui get back on her feet!

Organizer and beneficiary
Hyejin Shim
Oakland, CA
Nan-Hui Jo