Speedo Mick's final stomp
I will be walking from John O'groats to lands end, covering 1000 miles in total.
I will be taking this next challenge on in the winter months starting in mid-December and as per usual I will be doing it in just my speedos and trusty walking boots.
Sadly after i have finished this next challenge i will be hanging up my Blue knickers for ever more.
I have spent seven years tirelessly fundraising for charity and im a bit knackered now and i also want to spend more time with my loved ones as we don't have them forever do we.
But it's not over yet we have this last walk to complete before I say goodbye to my stomping days, I'm no spring chicken you know.
On this next challenge i will be will be fundraising for something that is very close to my heart and that is mentalhealth and suicide prevention, I have suffered from mentalhealth most of my adult life and still do suffer from it to this day.
The donations from this walk will going to our very first Speedomick foundation mentalhealth project's something I have dreamt of doing for a long time now and it will be a dream come true for me to be able to give back to my community and support people who are suffering from mentalhealth.
Along side our fundraising on this charity walk the Speedomick Foundation will also be gifting grants to small grass root's charities that support mentalhealth disadvantaged young people and homelessness. These charities our vital in and for our communities and they are usually run by the people in those communities. Because of this they usually know what support is needed and who needs the support whether it be food, shelter, mentoring health through sports, suicide prevention mentalhealth safeguarding and much more. I am very proud to say that The SpeedoMick Foundation donated a massive quarter of a million pounds to small charities on my last walk. Essentially the SpeedoMick Foundation is redistributing the donations that I received on my fundraisers by putting it back into the communities of those who supported me and donated on my challenges which is only right.
I have managed to raise a staggering 800 thousand pounds on in the last 7 years, and that is simply because of your continued support and generosity. On my last 2500 mile walk you donated a massive £200,000 for my efforts and if by some miracle we managed this again then I will have raised £1,000,000 for charity and that will also be a dream come true and such an amazing achievement from a man who not so long ago had lost his dignity lost his pride lost his home lost his family and any hope. I have all that back in my life today because I received support and I hope to we can give that back through the SpeedoMick Foundation and our new mentalhealth projects.
Thank you for all your support and your donations for the last 7 years it's been a blast
Michael Cullen
The Speedomick Foundation