There's a Gooey Hole in My Neck

“Lucille has endured a lot in her little life.” That’s what I overheard
my foster mom say. I was rescued with my brother when we were really
small and we weren’t really sure about people at that time. I had a big
wound on the side of my neck and was taken to the vet right away. I had
to be kept from my brother because he likes to wrestle and I am a bit of
a girly girl, and he might hurt that wound. So, I had to wear a cone on
my head which he thought was quite funny. Overtime the wound would not
really close, so finally I went in for exploratory surgery at the vet
clinic and they couldn’t find anything. They put in a few stitches and
sent me home. But every time I eat that wound would start to weep. I had
already been on all kinds of antibiotics to clear it up but nothing
seemed to be working.
Finally, the vet came to the conclusion that
whatever had created the wound on the side of my neck damaged my
salivary gland. The vet said there’s no more they could do for me at
their clinic so I am waiting for a referral to a very expensive place
there they will do an examination, a CAT scan or MRI and then probably
more surgery. Right now, every time I chew my food, the wound leaks
because it is right where my upper and lower jaw join. Nothing is going
to help it except further diagnostics and surgery at this point. Pet
Patrol received a quote of $4000. Wow! They have already spent $972.
and I don’t even weigh 3 pounds yet! Pet Patrol never expected this to
come up and neither did the vet but here we are. If you could donate
towards my care, I would be a much happier cat. I won’t have this
squishy thing on the side of my neck which runs down my cone and into my
food. Yuck!. My foster mom keeps me very clean but I don’t want to live
with this anymore.
I don’t think we will ever be able to raise enough funds to fix me. I
had my appointment with the specialist and they don’t think it is my
salivary glands but surgery is necessary. They sent a quote for
$3891.20! So much money for such a little hole, but it is causing so
much trouble. That is an estimate, so I hope it won’t be that much.
Yikes! And you know what! I also have two back teeth that are growing
in sideways and making it difficult for me to chew...and on top of that,
I’m not spayed yet! Ugh...I am just not made right. Can you help me to
get all fixed up? I just feel so bad for asking, it is a huge amount of
money for Pet Patrol to come up with and it has to be done, all of it
has to be done or I will not be a healthy kitty. Your donations will go
a long way and if you share my story with your peoples, then maybe we
can pay the vet who is working so hard to help me. I’m a good kitty,
really I am. Cute too :D
Please add this campaign to your Facebook Page. Thanks!
Jan S.
Waterloo, ON
The Pet Patrol (Elmira) Inc