Volunteer trip to South Africa
Donation protected
{para portugues leia o fim da pagina}
Dear friends,
My husband and I love animals, and we wanted to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Something that would make a DIFFERENCE.
Chris and I would like to unite our passion for animals with a chance to help and do some good in order to protect them.
We found a few places that could do with some financial support and hands to help maintaining the place.
We have decided on a centre that aims to contribute to the conservation of endangered species and the rehabilitation of injured and poisoned wildlife. This place has successfully bred leopards and Crowned Eagles as well.
Many animals brought into the centre cannot be released back into a wild environment due to the nature and extent of their injuries. The continuous care of these animals will be at the core of the daily work, including feeding and at times exercising animals. Of course it is not always glamorous work and we will have to clean enclosures, prepare food and cut grass for bedding regularly.
As this centre is a non-profit organisation, relying completely on the support of the public and
We are going to pay all costs to get to the centre, but the volunteering project itself cost money, as the centres need the money to keep the animals well.
As it is a volunteer project we are asking for any donations, big or small that could help us to get there and help protecting/caring for these incredible animals.
Please help us make the difference for the animals.
If you can't help us, please share our page.
Donate is easy and you can also do it anonymously.
Português: Queridos amigos e familiares, vocês sabem que eu e o Chris amamos animais - grandes e pequenos, com pelos, com penas, bico ou focinho. E gostaríamos de participar de um projeto voluntário na Africa.
Há vários centros na África que resgatam animais selvagens machucados ou órfãos, e alguns não podem ser reabilitados.
Os custos desses centros são altos, e por isso eles procuram voluntários para ajuda-los financeiramente e ajudando com os animais - alimentando limpando, consertando cerca, contando os animais nos parques para evitar caça ilegal.
Nos vamos arcar os custos com transporte e alimentação, porém há um custo para o projeto em si de $1500 por pessoa. Até o momento já arrecadamos $500.
Qualquer doação é bem vinda. Grande ou pequena. Super fácil e seguro doar usando cartão de credito.
Nos ajude a ajudar os animais. Obrigada
Basta clicar em Donate Now!
Dear friends,
My husband and I love animals, and we wanted to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Something that would make a DIFFERENCE.
Chris and I would like to unite our passion for animals with a chance to help and do some good in order to protect them.
We found a few places that could do with some financial support and hands to help maintaining the place.
We have decided on a centre that aims to contribute to the conservation of endangered species and the rehabilitation of injured and poisoned wildlife. This place has successfully bred leopards and Crowned Eagles as well.
Many animals brought into the centre cannot be released back into a wild environment due to the nature and extent of their injuries. The continuous care of these animals will be at the core of the daily work, including feeding and at times exercising animals. Of course it is not always glamorous work and we will have to clean enclosures, prepare food and cut grass for bedding regularly.
As this centre is a non-profit organisation, relying completely on the support of the public and
We are going to pay all costs to get to the centre, but the volunteering project itself cost money, as the centres need the money to keep the animals well.
As it is a volunteer project we are asking for any donations, big or small that could help us to get there and help protecting/caring for these incredible animals.
Please help us make the difference for the animals.
If you can't help us, please share our page.
Donate is easy and you can also do it anonymously.
Português: Queridos amigos e familiares, vocês sabem que eu e o Chris amamos animais - grandes e pequenos, com pelos, com penas, bico ou focinho. E gostaríamos de participar de um projeto voluntário na Africa.
Há vários centros na África que resgatam animais selvagens machucados ou órfãos, e alguns não podem ser reabilitados.
Os custos desses centros são altos, e por isso eles procuram voluntários para ajuda-los financeiramente e ajudando com os animais - alimentando limpando, consertando cerca, contando os animais nos parques para evitar caça ilegal.
Nos vamos arcar os custos com transporte e alimentação, porém há um custo para o projeto em si de $1500 por pessoa. Até o momento já arrecadamos $500.
Qualquer doação é bem vinda. Grande ou pequena. Super fácil e seguro doar usando cartão de credito.
Nos ajude a ajudar os animais. Obrigada
Basta clicar em Donate Now!
Clarissa Mcv
Mooroolbark, VIC