Emily's Chiropractic Mission Trip
Hello Family and Friends!
I'm excited to announce that I have the incredible opportunity to embark on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic over my Christmas break. I am overly excited to work side by side with other doctors of chiropractic to serve and help the people of the Dominican. As many of you know I have just finished my first year and a quarter of chiropractic school with 2 and a half years to go! This trip will be an unbelievable experience for many reasons - I get to help those in need, grow as an individual, and learn from doctors in a way that I would never be able to experience in the classroom!
My expenses for the trip include $700 to pay for my accomodations/food plus the cost of my flight ($600-$800). My goal is to have enough support from my friends and family to cover the $700 cost of the trip. Being a full time student (still going strong!) makes it difficult to work more than a couple hours a week because my focus is on school and becoming the best doctor of chiropractic that I can be through my educational experience. I appreciate any help and I can only try to begin to explain the impact that it will have on my life, the lives of those I will be serving, and hopefully yours in the future (if you let me by your chiropractor :) ). Thank you and much love to you all
Here is the link that explains what trip I will be going on: ChiroMissions