Izzy's Need for Knee Surgery
Donation protected
First I would like to THANK YOU. Thank you for taking a brief minute of your time to read about my sweet Izzy and what we are going through as we prepare for her upcoming knee surgery to BOTH of her hind legs.
My name is Jessica. My boyfriend Eric and I are the fur-parents to Izzy. She is a 5 and a 1/2 year old Rottweiler who loves to give cuddles and kisses, absolutely adores children and is quick to making new friends at the dog park!
About three weeks ago, Izzy was playing fetch at the dog park with Eric, and when she went to chase after the stick, she must've twisted her knee wrong and immediately stopped running and started limping. She had never had an injury like this before, we didn't know what to do. We helped her limp to the car, took her home and got her to bed. We thought a day or two of rest would do her good, but she wasn't getting better.
After a trip to the Vet, Izzy started taking anit-imflammatory medicine and pain pills. After two weeks she was walking a little better, and as our fur-baby was feeling better, we were relieved.
The relief was short lived when Izzy—probably feeling like super dog on her pain meds—went to run to the back fence to strut her stuff and bark at the neighbor.
Izzy began to limp even worse than before and we immediately got her inside and resting again. After 24 hours of Izzy not wanting to get up, and us having to walk behind her holding her hind legs—think wheelbarrow style—we took her to the Emergency Vet.
Seconds after the Vet saw Izzy take no more than 5 steps, and hearing both of her knees cracking pretty badly, they took X-rays and found that she had ruptured a cruciate ligament in BOTH of her knees and highly recommended getting a consult from a surgeon!
Shocked with the news, Eric and I made the first available appointment to meet with a surgeon who confirmed Izzy will definitely need surgery on BOTH knees as soon as possible.
Overwhelmed with the esimated $6,000 cost of surgery and stressed over the required 8-10 week recovery time post-op we are looking for support from friends, family and strangers who are the parents of their own fur-babies.
We love our sweet Izzy girl and are heart broken at the thought of her having surgery to both of her knees at the same time. We would love your prayers and donations in our hour of need.
My name is Jessica. My boyfriend Eric and I are the fur-parents to Izzy. She is a 5 and a 1/2 year old Rottweiler who loves to give cuddles and kisses, absolutely adores children and is quick to making new friends at the dog park!
About three weeks ago, Izzy was playing fetch at the dog park with Eric, and when she went to chase after the stick, she must've twisted her knee wrong and immediately stopped running and started limping. She had never had an injury like this before, we didn't know what to do. We helped her limp to the car, took her home and got her to bed. We thought a day or two of rest would do her good, but she wasn't getting better.
After a trip to the Vet, Izzy started taking anit-imflammatory medicine and pain pills. After two weeks she was walking a little better, and as our fur-baby was feeling better, we were relieved.
The relief was short lived when Izzy—probably feeling like super dog on her pain meds—went to run to the back fence to strut her stuff and bark at the neighbor.
Izzy began to limp even worse than before and we immediately got her inside and resting again. After 24 hours of Izzy not wanting to get up, and us having to walk behind her holding her hind legs—think wheelbarrow style—we took her to the Emergency Vet.
Seconds after the Vet saw Izzy take no more than 5 steps, and hearing both of her knees cracking pretty badly, they took X-rays and found that she had ruptured a cruciate ligament in BOTH of her knees and highly recommended getting a consult from a surgeon!
Shocked with the news, Eric and I made the first available appointment to meet with a surgeon who confirmed Izzy will definitely need surgery on BOTH knees as soon as possible.
Overwhelmed with the esimated $6,000 cost of surgery and stressed over the required 8-10 week recovery time post-op we are looking for support from friends, family and strangers who are the parents of their own fur-babies.
We love our sweet Izzy girl and are heart broken at the thought of her having surgery to both of her knees at the same time. We would love your prayers and donations in our hour of need.
Jessica Kalani Maldonado
Jacksonville, FL