Winnemem Wintu Cultural Center
The Winnemem Wintu Tribe came out of the sacred spring on Mt. Shasta, in what is now called California. We lived along the McCloud River until 1945, when the Shasta Dam flooded us out of our homes. The federal government that displaced us from our homeland now refuses to acknowledge our existence, calling us "unrecognized", however we continue to practice our traditions and protect our sacred places.
Your donations will support Phase 1 of creating a cultural center (Tlut), where our spiritual connection to our ancestors can grow and be passed to the younger generations.
[This is not the actual design for our TLut, but it is similar and will give you an idea of what we are doing.]
Early in 2015 we held ceremony for a carved pole, created by Polynesian carver Tonu Shane Eagleton, which will stand at the entrance of the Tlut. This carved pole represents the spirits of all our relations, the two legged, the four legged, the swimmers, the winged, the many legged and all things above, below and inbetween.
Your financial contributions will allow us to transport and place this immense sculpture in it's new home, and complete the first phase of construction of the center at our home village in Redding, California.
For more information about our history and activities, visit: