Help George Raise Money for SFF
UPDATE: On May 30, 2015, George E. Hood set a new world record for "The Longest Plank" with a time of 5 hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds. The new world record was certified as official by Assist World Records, www.AssistWorldRecords.com . The event was held at the Junior Seau Amphitheater in Oceanside, CA and was a fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for the Semper Fi Fund. The entire event has gone viral around the world both in social media as well as radio, TV and print media. A huge success on many fronts. http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2015/may/30/planking-guinness-record-oceanside-charity/
Setting the record was only an interim objective. The Peoples Plank Operation and fundraising campaign continues now in an effort to complete the mission of raising $20K for the Semper Fi Fund. To do that, I need all those who have been so inspired to step up now and help me put this fundraiser over the top so we can trully call this The People's Plank! If everyone who has viewed the videos online (last count was 7.2 million!) would donate $1....the results and the people we could ultimately help would be staggering!! Its just that simple. This campaign will continue for 30 days and I look foward to reporting mission accomplished.
Now the rest of the story, since 2006, George Hood has set 8 world records in a variety of fitness categories and raised over $125,000 for various charities. 6 of those records were certified by Guinness World Records (GWR) and 2 were certified by AWR. George has no corporate sponsorship. As a result, he has relied on his own resources to fund and facilitate certifications by Guinness World Records (GWR) and Assist World Records (AWR) which are also his platform for raising awareness and money for the causes that his events support.
With George now breaking and setting a new world record, the campaign continues to give all those around the world, who were so inspired, to make a contribution, in whatever amount, so the campaign fundraising goal of $20,000 can be achieved. The Semper Fi Fund https://semperfifund.org is a charity dedicated to helping Marines and other members of our military organizations.
George is well vouched for on the world stage when it comes to fundraising. He is passionate about what he does and hopes that his continued setting of world records on behalf of worthwhile charities will inspire others to join his cause.. As a result of creating this site, George is giving every supporter around the world the chance to show their support not only in words but by donating generously.
George is currently the only guy on the planet to have set the "plank" world record 4 times. His previous plank record were in June, 2014, when he set the world record for the plank at 4 hours, 1 minute in Beijing, China. http://www.china.org.cn/china/2014-06/24/content_32751879.htm That record was subsequently broken in September 2014 by a Chinese national at 4 hours, 26 minutes. That attempt is not without controversy but nevertheless was the mark George had to beat. George's previous personal best was on April 12, 2015, when he unofficially broke the existing GWR and set a personal best of 4 hours, 33 minutes during a "long plank" exhibiton in Oceanside.
Additional Background
George Hood was born and raised in Indiana, PA and subsequently graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Government and Public Service. In 2013, George received a Distinguished Alumni Award from IUP for his lifetime success and achievements, primarily in his fitness related fundraising endeavors. Hood was commissioned as a Marine Corps officer and served with the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, and 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, CA. Prior to leaving the Marine Corps, Hood graduated from National University in San Diego, CA with a Master of Science (MS) degree in Forensic Science.
After a successful tour in the USMC, George began his federal law enforcement career as a Special Agent with the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) for nearly 10 years.
In 1995, Hood was hired as a Special Agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in San Diego, CA. Hood was transferred to the Chicago Field Division, where he remained his entire DEA career. Hood was ultimately promoted to a GS-14 and was a DEA Supervisory Special Agent for nearly 5 years. Hood retired from DEA in December, 2007 with nearly 24 years of multi-agency, federal law enforcement investigative experience so he could pursue his own professional growth in the public and private sector and ultimately the fitness industry.
In September, 2008, Hood accepted a position as a Law Enforcement Professional with MPRI, a division of L-3 Communications. In conjunction with his assignment, Hood served overseas in Afghanistan and provided direct counterinsurgency investigative support on behalf of deployed U.S. military units and personnel.
In the Fall of 2009, George was hired as a Vulnerability Assessment Expert with Argonne National Laboratory and provided law enforcement consultant services on an as needed basis for security products ultimately generated on behalf of Homeland Security.
After returning from Afghanistan, George transitioned to the fitness industry and is a current and certified personal trainer with the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) and has nearly 15 years of training experience. George was on staff at Five Seasons Family Sports Club in Burr Ridge, IL where he was the Director of Group Exercise. George is also a certified “spin” cycling instructor thru Madd Dog Athletics and a certified Group Fitness Instructor by the American Sport and Fitness Association. George has conducted training assessments on over 400 clients and has a following of clients who gravitate to his results oriented approach to personal training, which is vested in his numerous Guinness world record endurance accomplishments.
Since his move to Southern California in 2013, George has served on staff as an instructor and trainer at various fitness facilities. In January, 2014, George was hired as a fitness professional by FIT-X San Diego as a Group-X instructor and a personal trainer. George is also a successful businessman and the owner of Oceanside Paddleboard in Oceanside, CA where he supervises a thriving business and conducts yoga/fitness classes on the Standup Paddleboard (SUP); www.OceansidePaddleboard.com
George Hood is a self trained ultra endurance athlete and a 8x World Record holder in three different endurance categories. His passion for raising money for charity organizations and inspiring others of all ages to work hard and achieve success is unmatched. In 1986, Hood had the GWR for the Rope Skipping Marathon, which he did in Honolulu, HI on behalf of the American Heart Association. George also has three GWR’s for the stationary “spin” bike marathon and is the only individual in the world to have ever done so.
In January, 2007, Hood set an “unofficial” GWR of 91 hours on the stationary “spin” bike and raised over $30K for Illinois Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS).
In July 2007, George set an official Guinness World Record of 111 hours, 11 minutes, 11 seconds on the “spin” bike and raised over $35K for special needs kids of Kiwanis. Each of these events were record fundraisers for both COPS and Kiwanis!
In May, 2008, George set a new GWR on the stationary bike at 177 hours and 45 minutes on behalf of the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign and raised over $32,000. This GWR by Hood was subsequently published in the 2009 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records.
In April, 2010, Hood rode for 175 hours on the stationary “spin” bike on behalf of the United Way and the Injured Marine Semper Fi fund and raised nearly $30,000.00 which was shared between the two charities.
In November, 2010, Hood reclaimed the GWR for the stationary “spin” bike marathon at 222 hours, 22 minutes, 22 seconds and raised approximately $20,000 for the Gunnar Hotchkin Memorial Fund. Gunnar Hotchkin was a soldier killed in Afghanistan.
On December 3, 2011, Hood set his fifth GWR for the “longest static abdominal hold” or “plank” position by remaining static in the plank position for 1 hour, 20 minutes and 5 seconds.
In April, 2013, Hood committed to yet another fundraiser on behalf of the American Heart Association and set a new GWR (his sixth) for the Abdominal Plank at 3 hours, 7 minutes and 15 seconds.
On June 23, 2014, George set a new world record for the plank at 4 hours, 1 minute in Beijing, China as part of the 1st International World Cup Plank Challenge sponsored in part by Men’s Health-China. George is recognized internationally as a leader in the fitness industry and particularly functional fitness and core training which highlights his effective use of the plank.
Hood’s ability to overcome obstacles, plan, coordinate and lead such fundraising events reflects his unselfish commitment to helping others. His leadership and drive continue to inspire people of all ages in academic, corporate and civic environments. Hood’s unique media relations skills and his solid training and instructor credentials have resulted in many other successful training, recruitment and leadership and development programs across the country in both his personal and professional life.
George has also received numerous professional accommodations and awards from DEA, NCIS and MPRI during his career for his leadership, professionalism and commitment to excellence. In April 2013, Hood received a Distinguished Alumni Award from his alma mater at Indiana University of PA, which paid tribute to Hood’s countless lifetime achievements. This award is probably the single most prestigious award ever received by Hood. In addition to multiple certifications from GWR, Hood has also received recognition from the U.S. based, World Records Academy, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Chicago White Sox, a host of non-profit organizations, and countless local, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies. Hood has lectured at a variety of professional and public venues and has provided motivational talks regarding setting goals, documenting performance and ultimately achieving record success, not only as it pertains to his world record feats, but also in corporate America.
In conjunction with many of his appearances, his inspirational story is often referenced in local media and has also been recognized in international and domestic television, radio and print media markets, to include National Public Radio, the Associated Press and Guinness World Records, Ltd. He has made television and/or radio appearances in London, Montreal, Toronto and all across the U.S. and his feats have been referenced in countless online media sites including Yahoo News, Huffington Post, The Post Game as well as on Saturday Night Live, the Jay Leno show and ESPN. He has been featured in such national publications as Sports Illustrated Bicycling Magazine, Competitor Magazine, Mens Fitness (Australian edition), the Military Times papers (all services) in February, 2012 and the August 2012 issue of Oxygen magazine.
Hood was also featured in the July 2014 and August 2014 issues of Men’s Health magazine in China as well as the Wall Street Journal. http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2014/06/25/tighten-those-abs-ex-u-s-marine-teaches-beijing-how-to-plank/ Hood was also featured in the August issues of FHM magazine and Fitness and Beauty magazine in China. Hood’s world record attempts and the stories behind them continue to inspire world wide coverage on many fronts. Hood is also featured in the movie “Breaking and Entering" http://www.breakingandenteringdoc.com which is a Chicago based film company documentary regarding world record setting achievements.
George has also collaborated with private industry in the production and promotion of various fitness equipment from Strength Axle Industries www.strengthaxle.com , SUCCEED Sports nutrition www.succeedscaps.com and a training journal titled, The Mile Book, which encompasses Hood’s training secrets of documenting performance in pursuit of attainable goals, both in the gym and in corporate America.
George is in excellent health and his level of fitness exceeds that of his peers and inspires all who are associated with him. George currently trains 5-6 hours a day in a rigorous stamina and endurance conditioning program to maintain his competitive edge and fitness level in preparation for yet another world record attempt in the future. George also enjoys canoe trips to the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, camping, reading, running and promoting an active and physical lifestyle especially in young adults. Hood has three sons and a miniature Dachshund “Chips”
Please help George reach his goal!! Thank you in advance for your generous support!
“Set Goals, Keep Score, Break Records… anything else is just exercise”- George E. Hood, July 14, 2007