Ulithi Atoll super typhoon relief
I'm a student at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California. In June 2015, I had the opportunity to travel to the Ulithi Atoll in Yap, Micronesia with One People One Reef, a group of scientists and community members working together to conserve reefs in Ulithi.
On Easter weekend (March 31 2015), super typhoon Maysak hit the Ulithi Atoll in the outer islands of Yap, Micronesia and wiped out everything in it's path. The communities lost their homes, access to clean water, healthy food and much more, and they need help as they attempt the monumental task of rebuilding.
Ulithi is very remote (there are over 100 miles of Pacific Ocean between Ulithi and Yap), which makes getting materials to the islands difficult and expensive. The only access to the atoll is by missionary airline or by supply ship, which normally only visits the islands twice a year (both have been operating more frequently to meet demand after the typhoon). Ulithi is also home to only one of two high schools in all of Yap's 14 Outer Islands, and the high school was almost entirely destroyed by Typhoon Maysak.
While there are many relief campaigns underway, having a diversity of campaigns allows people to address relief efforts as needed. Your donations to this campaign will go directly to the communities via an existing non-profit on Ulithi called Ulithi Falalop Community Action Program (UFCAP). UFCAP works directly with the project I'm currently involved with, One People One Reef.
The communities plan to use the donations to first meet immediate food and water relief, and the funds will then support the Ulithians ability to begin the long process of recovery, including cleanup and debris removal, repair and construction of homes and the high school, and purchasing school supplies and computers.
Every little bit helps. Thank you for your contribution!