Christmas Day Liturgy Music
Dear family and friends,
As you all are preparing for this Christmas season of giving, I would like to give you a cause to support.
Recently I was given charge of the music for the 7am Christmas Day liturgy for St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church (my church since the age of 7).
Yes, though it's bright and early at 7am, a lot of people actually show up to this Mass! However, I wanted the liturgy to be something special, because whether 1 person or 500 people show up to Mass, the Christmas liturgy is one of the most important celebrations in the church calendar and it would be a special present for Our Lord as we remember his nativity.
After thinking a bit on what music I would be selecting - Gregorian chant, sacred choral polyphony, great Baroque instrumental works to name a few - I thought of contacting several wonderful professional musician friends of mine to come play and sing with me.
Unfortunately it is not within the church's music budget to hire them, and so I am in need of funds to support the idea I have. That is where you come in.
You see, St. Rose of Lima has not had multiple contracted musicians play in one Christmas liturgy for over 7 years (maybe even longer). Since there is currently no choir in place, I wanted to hire a professional alto, tenor, bass, violist, cellist and a trumpet player.
This is a very modest "choir" and "orchestra" if you will, but altogether this would cost me around $850.
I realize this is a fairly large amount to raise in less than a month. However, if 85 people contribute only $10 to my cause, I will have enough money to go ahead with the music preparations.
Consider donating this $10 which you would usually spend on:
-3 coffees at Starbucks
-a burger and soda
-2 Subway sandwiches
-2 movies from Target's $5 movie selection
-a drink or two at a bar
Anything helps! If you are able to give less, equal to or more than this amount I am very grateful to you all the same.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation you may write a check to St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and under "For" please write: "7am Christmas Mass Music".
All profits will go to the St. Rose of Lima music ministry.
I hope you will take the time to consider donating to my cause. For those who are not able to donate, prayers are also appreciated :)
Thank you for your time.