Kristen's bills & medical bill fund
Hi, I'm Kristen, This is my story, thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
In early October (2014, this past October) I was diagnosed with Intracranial Hypertension (also known as Pseudotumor Cerebri). Intracranial hypertension literally means that the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the skull is too high. I started having blinding, debilatating headaches, pounding that would sync up with my heartbeat/pulse in my ears and behind my eyes and even my teeth feel like they have a pulse, with extreme nausea. I've had multiple Emergency Room visits, MRIs, CatScans, Doctors appointments (both primary care and Neurological) and we're still trying to find the best way to treat this.
I had a lumbar puncture done to relieve pressure, but then developed a spinal fluid leak that left me, again, in the ER, unable to move, stand, vomiting, hearing loss... and blood patches were done, (1st failed, 2nd attempt failed, then the 3rd "try" was finally a success and I had relief from the "spinal" headache that was caused from the leak, but within 48 hours, the original IIH/Pressure headache was back.
I also have a condition called Chiari Malformation (a serious neurological disorder where the bottom part of the brain, the cerebellum, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine and causing many symptoms.) as well as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (The Hypermobility Type of EDS is characterized by loose joints and chronic joint pain.) & an existing issue with Chronic Migraines, all of which have not made this entire ordeal any more fun. The doctors dont know when, or if, I'll be returning to work... or when/if my meds will start to work. (I'm already on Topamax, we added Diamox to "slow" the production of CSF... if that doesnt help, we may need to look into whether or not I'll need to have a shunt placed)
I have been out of work since October 10th. I have applied for Short Term Disability, but the insurance company has decided that they want to review over 2+ years of medical records, with more than 10+ doctors, specialists, ERs, hospitals, before they decide if they want to pay out. In the mean time, My husband is trying his best to support us, but losing my income and adding on a vast array of medical bills, copays, deductibles, Rx payments in place of my paycheck is causing a strain. As of Nov 18. 2014 when I spoke to the insurance co, they are estimating another 4-6 weeks before I could possibly see any sort of payment, "if I'm lucky"
Its the 3 of us, my husband, myself and our 4 year old daughter. I'm worried about bills, the holidays, keeping our car (our only means of transportation), keeping my health insurance (a benefit that I have to repay to my employer, which I haven't been able to pay since I haven't received a check yet, and that amount is just adding up weekly and I fear they may stop by insurance soon)
I'm not looking for a miracle. I'm just looking for a way to stay a float and keep a roof over my daughters head until I'm either "not sick" or the insurance company wakes up. Bills are stacking up... and we ran out of savings really, really fast.
Thanks for taking the time to read about me. :-) <3
What is Intracranial Hypertension
What is Chiari Malformation
What is Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility - Type 3