Homeless- art exhibtition
Donation protected
Recent figures show that all forms of homelessness in the UK have risen, including rough sleeping, the most visible form of homelessness. Reform/cuts to housing benefit and the squeezing of local authority budgets, the shortage of housing and the expansion of the private landlord sector with unaffordable rent prices, funding cuts to homelessness, mental health and substance use services, and a reduction in the number of hostel/shelter places, have all played major contributing roles to these rising figures. Such figures are just the tip of the ice-burg, and have been predicted to rise in light of further austerity measures.
Homelessness is the human cost of austerity yet research shows that a large proportion of the British public hold misconceptions on the issue of homelessness, with many believing that people who are homeless and living on the streets are there by choice. This could not be further from the truth. Homelessness is the result of a range of structural barriers and life events which occur outside the control of the individuals. It is an outright form of social exclusion and inequality, making those who are affected invisible, ignored and often forgotten.
Compared to the national average, Liverpool has high levels of homelessness. Whilst private developers continue to move in, buildings stand empty and local services are cut, many continue to live in harsh conditions on the streets and in the cities hostels. In response various local voluntary organisations exist to help meet the most basic needs of those affected by homelessness. Such support is much needed in the context of a recent Government report which highlighted a lack of adequate local authority support for the homeless nationwide.
As part of my voluntary work with the Reallove street team, I am holding a fundraising art exhibition to be held at Road studios in Liverpool opening on Friday 25th November. Art work will be exhibited by 9 artists who have volunteered to show their work to address the issue of homelessness in the city in the context of austerity. The event is a fundraiser for a number of voluntary organisations that have been set up to help meet the needs of people who are homeless in Liverpool (e.g. Reallove street team, The Homeless Period).
All donations raised will help support our continued street team work in providing the homeless in the city with the a hot meal and provisions (e.g. warm clothes, tioletries) to help them through the harsh winter months, as well as a listening ear, support and advice. The smallest of donations will make a huge difference and any help would be very much appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your kind contribution .
Amanda Marie Atkinson
Reallove street team
Senior Researcher, Liverpool John Moores University
Please note that receipts can be provided if required.
Event contributers
-Bekki Perriman, The Doorways Project, London based artist
-Mark McGowan, The Artist Taxi Driver
-Tony Mallon, Liverpool based photographer
-Tomo, Liverpool based artist
-Amanda Marie Atkinson, Senior Researcher LJMU, Liverpool based artist
-Alan Williams, Liverpool based artist
-Kim Ross-Houle, Researcher, LJMU
-Helios Bernal Alcantarilla, Liverpool based artist
-Kaylen Forsyth, Cumbrian based writer
-Marianne Skovdahl, London based documentary maker
Homelessness is the human cost of austerity yet research shows that a large proportion of the British public hold misconceptions on the issue of homelessness, with many believing that people who are homeless and living on the streets are there by choice. This could not be further from the truth. Homelessness is the result of a range of structural barriers and life events which occur outside the control of the individuals. It is an outright form of social exclusion and inequality, making those who are affected invisible, ignored and often forgotten.
Compared to the national average, Liverpool has high levels of homelessness. Whilst private developers continue to move in, buildings stand empty and local services are cut, many continue to live in harsh conditions on the streets and in the cities hostels. In response various local voluntary organisations exist to help meet the most basic needs of those affected by homelessness. Such support is much needed in the context of a recent Government report which highlighted a lack of adequate local authority support for the homeless nationwide.
As part of my voluntary work with the Reallove street team, I am holding a fundraising art exhibition to be held at Road studios in Liverpool opening on Friday 25th November. Art work will be exhibited by 9 artists who have volunteered to show their work to address the issue of homelessness in the city in the context of austerity. The event is a fundraiser for a number of voluntary organisations that have been set up to help meet the needs of people who are homeless in Liverpool (e.g. Reallove street team, The Homeless Period).
All donations raised will help support our continued street team work in providing the homeless in the city with the a hot meal and provisions (e.g. warm clothes, tioletries) to help them through the harsh winter months, as well as a listening ear, support and advice. The smallest of donations will make a huge difference and any help would be very much appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your kind contribution .
Amanda Marie Atkinson
Reallove street team
Senior Researcher, Liverpool John Moores University
Please note that receipts can be provided if required.
Event contributers
-Bekki Perriman, The Doorways Project, London based artist
-Mark McGowan, The Artist Taxi Driver
-Tony Mallon, Liverpool based photographer
-Tomo, Liverpool based artist
-Amanda Marie Atkinson, Senior Researcher LJMU, Liverpool based artist
-Alan Williams, Liverpool based artist
-Kim Ross-Houle, Researcher, LJMU
-Helios Bernal Alcantarilla, Liverpool based artist
-Kaylen Forsyth, Cumbrian based writer
-Marianne Skovdahl, London based documentary maker
Amanda Atkinson