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I Am DJ Blaze Forever

Spende geschützt
Adoring fans know him as DJ Blaze, whereas those in the bond know him as Frat [Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc]. Close friends know him as Dwayne, while a loving family knows him as Nephew, Cousin, Brother, and Son. In the midst of all of those known acquaintances, two special young ladies know him as Dad. 

On July 29th, the 34-year-old community leader, community service organizer, and kindred soul of Dwayne A Malcolm was taken from earth while attending what was supposed to be the ultimate relaxing getaway and Jamaican independence celebration in the form of a family reunion. The car accident also claimed the life of his cousin, causing a great deal of stress - not only emotionally for the family, but financially as well. This GoFundMe is to help with funeral costs and establish a scholarship trust for his beautiful 1- and 13-year-old daughters' future.  Whether large or small, every token received will be with love, and greatly appreciated.

One love. One heart.

Please note this is the only authorized page and there will not be any paraphanelia sold as a profit in his memory.


  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jimmy Dix
Columbia, SC
Malcolm Obrian

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