idol BEATS Radio Re-launch!
idol BEATS Radio was an online radio station dedicated to bringing the music of Japanese idols to people all over the world. The focus was both to spread idol music worldwide, as well as introduce indie/underground idols that were not very well known. In February of this year, the station was shut down due to issues that were being had with Radionomy for a while.
I am the owner of the station, and was devestated to have the station disappear, but at the point it happened, I didn't have the free time to do all that was necessary to try and re-launch it. However, I do now, and I am determined to re-launch it as soon as possible.
I am asking for donations because I will be having the station hosted somewhere that will have a monthly fee to host it. This is completely doable, but I can't afford to do it alone. What I am looking for is a good start- I want to see people interested in helping, and raise enough for a couple months or so to be sure this can make it. The $500 goal does not need to be met for this to be succesful, that is simply the goal I chose by looking at different websites and what sorts of fees I'd need to pay on each, multiplied to cover a year easily, and took the average. This is doable for less, and doable for more. (Although, of course, with a monthly fee, the more we raise the longer we can garauntee idol BEATS Radio lasting.) I want to see how much can be raised, and then will choose the option that is best for the station based on what looks affordable.
The station is completely non-profit, I do it out of love for idols. No donation money will be pocketed or spent on anything that is not directly for the use of keeping the station running.
Absolutely any amount you donate is greatly appreciated, even ijust $1! It all helps more than you know, and I love to see the support of listeners. I want to make this station not only re-launch, but be better than ever. I want to deliver listeners the best idol music experience I possibly can.
If you are not able to donate but would like to help, do your part by spreading the word! Share this fundraiser on social media, or blog about it! Also, be sure to follow the idol beats on social media (@idolBEATSRadio on twitter and www.facebook.com/idolbeats) for updates on other ways you can help and how the re-launch is going. There is more info on helping with the re-launch at www.idolbeatsradio.blogspot.com