I ❤️ Beirut
Live on Saturday 19 September: Mika will stage a concert in aid of Beirut.
A special intimate show - with some surprises - with all money split between two charities who are working to help the people of Lebanon recover from the terrible explosion in Beirut’s port that killed hundreds, injured thousands and left many more homeless.
Communities in Lebanon were already grappling with the impact of economic crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic before the explosion. Your donation can help today.
We can accept donations from all over the world. Please select the amount you wish to donate in GBP, and you will then be charged the equivalent to that amount in your own currency.
The charities chosen are all working on the ground to help those in Beirut, focusing on emergency response, and rebuilding the city.
Lebanese Red Cross
Red Cross teams are treating thousands of injured people and searching through rubble for survivors.
Save the Children
Save the Children are on the ground in Beirut supporting children and their families.
Save the Children Fund (SCUK) is a charity registered in England and Wales (213890) and Scotland (SC039570) with registered office at 1 St. John’s Lane, London EC1M 4AR.
Tickets for ‘I Love Beirut’ can only be purchased via Ticketmaster here: https://shops.ticketmasterpartners.com/mika-livestream
The Lebanese United Nations team has reported the explosion was like 15 years of war in 15 seconds, comparing its impact to the devastation from the country's civil war that lasted from 1975 to 1990. Miles from the blast site apartments are wrecked and families left homeless. It's estimated 300,000 people do not have homes fit to live in, as Lebanon now has to undertake a single recovery effort of unprecedented scale.
Hospitals in Beirut are now overrun with wounded people, with some being referred to Tripoli, 50 miles to the north of Beirut, for treatment. The destruction of Beirut’s port will devastate the country further as it relies heavily on imports for its essential supplies. Red Cross Lebanon and Save the Children are working around the clock to help those on the ground affected by the blast. Donations will be deposited into a central fund and will fund immediate emergency response and wider long-term rehabilitation.
Sabato 19 settembre Mika metterà in scena un concerto in aiuto della città di Beirut.
Uno spettacolo intimo speciale - con alcune sorprese - con tutti i fondi divisi tra due enti di beneficenza che stanno lavorando per aiutare il popolo libanese a riprendersi dalla terribile esplosione nel porto di Beirut che ha ucciso centinaia di persone, ferito migliaia di persone e lasciato molti altri senza tetto.
Le comunità in Libano erano già alle prese con l'impatto della crisi economica e della pandemia Covid-19 prima dell'esplosione. La tua donazione oggi può dare una mano.
Possiamo accettare donazioni da tutto il mondo. Seleziona l'importo che desideri donare in GBP e ti verrà addebitato l'equivalente di tale importo nella tua valuta.
Le associazioni di beneficenza scelte stanno tutte lavorando sul campo per aiutare a Beirut, concentrandosi sulla risposta alle emergenze e sulla ricostruzione della città.
Croce Rossa Libano
Le squadre della Croce Rossa stanno curando migliaia di feriti e cercando i sopravvissuti tra le macerie.
Save the Children
Save the Children è sul campo a Beirut per sostenere i bambini e le loro famiglie
Un espectáculo íntimo especial, con algunas sorpresas, con los fondos recaudados divididos entre dos organizaciones benéficas que trabajan para ayudar a la gente del Líbano a recuperarse de la terrible explosión en el puerto de Beirut que mató a cientos, hirió a miles y dejó a muchos más sin hogar.
Las comunidades en el Líbano ya estaban lidiando con el impacto de la crisis económica y la pandemia de Covid-19 antes de la explosión. Tu donación puede ayudar hoy.
Aceptamos donaciones de todo el mundo. Seleccione la cantidad que desea donar en GBP, y luego se le cobrará el equivalente a esa cantidad en su propia moneda.
Las organizaciones benéficas elegidas están todas trabajando sobre el terreno para ayudar a la gente de Beirut, centrándose en la respuesta de emergencia y la reconstrucción de la ciudad.
Cruz Roja Líbano
Los equipos de la Cruz Roja están tratando a miles de heridos y buscando sobrevivientes entre los escombros.
Save the Children
Save the Children está sobre el terreno apoyando a los niños y sus familias.
le samedi 19 septembre Mika donnera un concert au profit de Beyrouth.
Un spectacle intime spécial - avec quelques surprises - dont les recettes seront intégralement partagées entre deux organisations caritatives qui travaillent pour aider le peuple libanais à se remettre de la terrible explosion dans le port de Beyrouth qui a tué des centaines de personnes, en a blessé des milliers, et fait beaucoup plus de sans-abri.
Les communautés au Liban étaient déjà aux prises avec l'impact de la crise économique et de la pandémie de Covid-19 avant l'explosion. Votre don peut aider aujourd'hui.
Nous pouvons accepter des dons du monde entier. Veuillez sélectionner le montant que vous souhaitez donner en GBP, et vous serez alors facturé l'équivalent de ce montant dans votre propre devise.
Les associations caritatives choisies travaillent toutes sur le terrain pour aider les habitants de Beyrouth, en se concentrant sur les interventions d'urgence et la reconstruction de la ville.Croix-Rouge du Liban
Les équipes de la Croix-Rouge soignent des milliers de blessés et recherchent des survivants dans les décombres.