Imagineers Mural Restoration Needs You!
Tax deductible
The Imagineers mural at 304 N Main, created in 2010 and our largest mural is suffering from damp. The wall is peeling. We have taken remedial action to stop the problem and are currently working with volunteers to caulk and seal the mural. If we can raise the funds and volunteers, in the Spring we will be repainting and sealing the mural in the Spring. We are asking the community to help us raise $5000 to pay for expenses.
If you enjoy the message of this two-story artwork that invites a future of innovative thinking, knowledge, and our diverse community, please support our Go Fund Me so we can pay for paint supplies, and artist costs. Also please consider volunteering to help repair next Spring.
Want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money to benefit Harvey Arts Connect dba Newton Murals and Arts Project, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to Newton.
Rodger Nugent
Newton, KS
Harvey Arts Connect, Inc.