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'One Photographers vision to create an impact of change through emotive imagery towards raising more awareness for Mental Health.
Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.
A few months ago I heard of an old friend who could no longer cope in today’s world; and took their own life. The saddest part was that he chose to portray a life of happiness through social media, yet was clearly suffering in solitude and not seeking help.
The disconnection and misery this amazing technology has caused in our lives is unhealthy and dangerous.
I want my kids to grow up in a world without the stigma attached to mental health.
I want my kids to feel comfortable expressing their emotions and reaching out to those around them for help.
I don’t want my children to have to experience the same struggles I did such as body dysmorphia and self-expectation, underpinned by this pressure caused by society and social media.
Through my journey, I realised after opening up to others, I was not alone in the feelings and struggle.
I wanted to use my skills to give people the opportunity to genuinely express their emotions and connect in a world that has become so isolating. I started taking photos of public profiles I knew and using social media to enable authentic emotion and connection - technology for good.
My campaign has gained considerable momentum - why?
Because we yearn for connection in our harsh world and through images that resonate with people, I believe true change can be made.
Imperfectly Perfect is growing both nationally and internationally - why?
Because Mental Health is a worldwide issue, it is not geography bound.
With increased attention from LA to capture some high profile names who are looking to support my movement I am looking at trying to get over there so I can continue to spread more awareness and continue to show genuine emotion, facilitating connection on social media on an international level in hopes of change towards mental health.
To ensure people know where to seek help if they need it after seeing my work, I am also aligned and working very closely with 2 clinical psychologists both on board the campaign who make sure all messaging and appropriate channels for people to seek help are out there (this is the number 1 priority)
A lot of people have sent many incredible messages of support for my campaign and I truly appreciate it and am grateful for each and everyone of you that have reached out.
My campaign is NOT aligned with any charity, organisation nor company and thus far I have been funding the whole campaign myself between working full time myself and running a family, but now with continuing to take it further and overseas to make a difference, I do imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org need help.
I want to capture this support to allow me to help more people, hopefully preventing any more individuals from taking their own life, enabling a world our kids can grow up safe.
Any small donation would be incredibly appreciated so we can take this campaign international to help even more people. The costs would cover flights, accommodation to get throughout LA to shoot with these profiles and align more meetings with raising the awareness of my campaign.
Much Gratitude and Appreciation.
Offical Website: imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org
Offical Instagram / Twitter Handles: @imperfectlyperfectcampaign

Glenn Marsden
Rozelle, NSW