JQRacing - THEDriver Funding
Donation protected
There is something that bothers me in this ranking, does it bother you? It stings my eyes .... This ranking shows the 25 best drivers in the world, but only car brands that can afford these drivers, and those brands are always the same. If it is only a question of money now, why don't we, the JQ customers, team drivers, and supporters, help to pay a driver for this list?

I think it's time to show these major RC companies that money is not everything, and that we appreciate the excellent work of JQRACING, the dedication of this small company and team, and show that there is a real community behind them, that can make a difference. Let's take THECar White Edition and JQRACING to the next level!!
- Benoit Deschamps, Martinique, JQ Driver since the very beginning.

First of all I have to say thank you to Benoit, and also all other JQRacing supporters for believing in our brand and our car! I guess this will be the final proof! How big, and how strong are our JQ supporters? Are people willing to open their wallets and join in the efforts to get JQRacing to the next level? Do JQ drivers truly share our dream of making a car capable of winning any race, against the odds? Do they want to play a big part in it?
Maybe even some haters will join in, in order to help make it possible for them to watch us crash and burn with a world top driver! :-)
JQRacing started as JQProducts back in 2009, and ever since then, the most staff we have had is 3. We have a number of contributors, helping us with anything from graphic design to business and sales, but in the end, everything you have seen JQRacing do for the past 3 years, has basically been done or organised by two people, Ilias Arkoudaris and myself.
We have now reached the point where we have a working and scalable business model, a great product, a strong brand (let's see how stong:-) and a decent worldwide team of drivers, with arguably the best race presence in RC! We have won over 10 National Championships, and numerous other races worldwide, but that's not enough.
The majority of people don't believe in THECar, and that is because none of the current worlds best drivers race it! Perception is everything. Our supporters go on an on about signing a top driver, and how they would love to see someone really good race it, and win with it!
This is the next step for us, signing a top driver, and working with him on improving the car, and raising the image of our racing team. This would be huge for our business, we have everything else in place to make JQRacing one of the top brands in RC, we just lack the funding to sign a driver, and get the ball rolling.
So there it is, let's see if Benoit's idea can help us reach the next level, and start us on the next leg of our journey. I have no experience with crowdfunding, but based on numbers I know, if we get a good % turnout of our drivers and supporters, we should be able to reach our goal or even surpass it!
1 set of tyres cost around 50-60USD. If we can average that for donations, I do believe we can make this happen and sign a great driver!
Thank you very much for the continued support over the past years to everyone. Please consider donating, and sharing this page, let's sign a driver and start winning some races!
Joseph Quagraine - THECar Designer
P.S. Where it all began:
(vimeo version, click here )
Joseph Quagraine