Help JJF Fund UCSF Clinical Trial
Juliana's Journey Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization that was created in honor of our daughter, Juliana Pena, who at the tender age of 2 1/2, lost her courageous battle against Neuroblastoma in February of 2012. We've dedicated the foundation to her and all the brave children who are continuing to battle against NB, or who have sadly lost their fight. We've personally experienced every phase, treatment, test, scan, poke, surgery, good and not-so-good days with Juliana and have seen what Neuroblastoma is capable of.
We are currently trying to fund the second arm of a clinical trial for UCSF under the direction of Dr. Clay Gustafson, Dr. William Weiss and Dr. Katherine Matthay. The need is VERY urgent and we're very excited to generate as much possible funding as we can to hopefully help fund more clinical trials as well. With your help - we can make this happen!! We need all of Juliana's soldiers to come together and help save the lives of our children! We have recently started building a powerhouse of local leaders and politicians who have committed to helping the fight against Childhood Cancer - won't you join us too?
Neuroblastoma has the HIGHEST MORTALITY RATE of all pediatric cancers and that's not OK. By doing nothing, it's almost as if we're saying it is.
Juliana's Journey Foundation is committed to raise awareness about Neuroblastoma and generate funding for researchers to create less invasive, less toxic and more successful therapies for Neuroblastoma. JJF has vowed to NEVER stop fighting for a cure so no more parents have to feel what we feel everyday as we mourn the loss of our beautiful angel baby. This foundation intends to become the front-runners in raising awareness and funding for Neuroblastoma research, trials, treatment and eventually a CURE - but we can't do it alone.
This is our crusade against cancer - and it will not win!!